Dear community,
We hope you are in good health and with good mood.
Contact impro is for all of us a way to get in motion and to be together, although currently, it is impossible to come together to practice it.
In the mean time, the class committee in collaboration with the CA are pleased to offer you virtual classes taught by ACI teachers. You will find warm-ups, related techniques and guided improvisations. Teachers have adapted materials associated with the CI in order to practice it at home. All levels of experience are welcome. Classes last between 45 min and 1 hour.
To participate in the Zoom class click here: HERE

May 10: Catherine Fabiola Lessard
Steady partners : the ground, space and self

Warmups and contact impro with a chair (need a yoga mat, solid and clean chair)

May 24: Danielle Beaudet
Movement as medicine/ self-connection as my first partner (this practice will be done on, around and with a sofa)

Dancing at home
Professors’ bio : HERE
If you have the possibility, we invite you to make a donation per class or for a set of classes, according to your means. Profits will be divided as follows: 60% for teachers who have taught these virtual classes, and 40% to help the ACI’s deficit situation. The fundraiser will be open for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis. https://www.gofundme.com/f/classes-de-contact-impro-virtuelles
We miss you and we look forward to seeing you soon on our ZOOM dance floor!
Extra information: Facebook
Until then, take good care of yourself and thank you very much for your participation.