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Thursday CI Labs

Every Thursdays / 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Studio Pierre-Paul Savoie
5333 Casgrain, Atelier 716, metro Laurier, Montreal.

Valerie Sabbah

It is a research space for dancers with a good foundation in Contact Improvisation and are wanting to deepen their practice with others, discussing, analyzing, integrating and sharing experiences.

$5 / Labo in cash or by e-transfer to:
valeriesabbah@gmail.com or 581-624-1277

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These labs are a proposal for a collaborative exploration and research into the development of awareness of the surfaces, reflexes, impulses, forces, mechanics and anatomy of the moving body that allow us to follow the direction of the multitudes of ascending and descending pathways in the Contact Improvisation duet.

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It is a research space for dancers with a good foundation in Contact Improvisation and are wanting to deepen their practice with others, discussing, analyzing, integrating and sharing experiences. The labs are loosely guided by Valerie Sabbah who offers her learnings of several years with Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson.

As a group, we bring to the labs our questions and, together, we build explorations towards answers.

Biography of Valerie: details

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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