Registration is full already. People can email at to be put on waiting list but no one else can get in now.
We are happy to welcome you to the Sutton Jam 2023!
It is a contact improvisation weekend that we all create together with our presence and contribution to the community.

We invite you to spend some time in nature in the beautiful scenery of the Auberge du Renouveau for a real rejuvenation of body and soul.
Come swim in the pond, cover your body with clay, relax by the fire, dance on the hardwood floor studio, let the heat fill you up in the sauna or share with the community whatever awakens within this amazing space.
Enjoy the summer in total freedom…
Credit photo: Marine Domini
Registration opens May 1st - first come, first serve.
Price for the weekend: $80
Question: Where is the jam
Answer: sutton
You must make a full payment to register - in a single payment only (we do not offer the option for just one day).
To register, please write to Marilyn and Interac her the 80$:
Send your full name, phone number, accommodation preferences, offers of volunteering (Chef, workshops, fire & sauna) and if you can offer a ride or need one.
**Please note that there is a limit of 50 people for the event. Register early to secure your place!
20$ cancellation fees whenever you cancel. No cancellation accepted less than 48h before the event (July 19th midnight), meaning no refund after that date. But you are free to find a replacement for yourself, just give us the name and contact of the person.

L’Auberge du Renouveau
2311 Chemin Scenic, Sutton, Québec J0E 2K0
Pour les photos et les directions :

You can arrive anytime starting noon on Friday, July 21st and the jam ends on Sunday, July 23rd at 5pm.
Opening circle is at 3.30pm on Friday.
Closing circle is at 1.30pm on Sunday.
There is no pre-planned programming.
We are looking for volunteers to lead a session. It could be dance, yoga, tai chi, music, art…
We are open to anything you would like to share with the community.
We also need someone in charge of the fire, and someone in charge of the sauna.
** Please note that there is no compensation to offer a workshop. The entrance fee covers the space and everyone pays the same.
You are all encouraged to camp on the beautiful site.
Bring your camping gear and set up wherever you please!
We have 20 beds available, single and double for couples.
If you can camp, we would ask that you go for this option to leave the beds for those who cannot.
** Bed reservation is on a first come, first serve basis.

This is a potluck weekend!
Everyone brings their food and we share what we have (please bring either 2 cooked dishes or food to cook for 2 dishes).
Everyone brings their own food for breakfast.
Lunch and dinner are cooked together for everyone by volunteer chefs and cooks. Everyone will be asked to sign up for one shift in the kitchen during the weekend (to either be a sous chef or clean up after). We need one or two chefs to be in charge for each of the 4 communal meals ( Friday night to Sunday lunch).
Please let us know when registering if you would like to be a chef for one of the meals.
If you can offer a ride or if you need a ride, please let us know when you register.