Good news ! Studio 303 will be open every Sunday this summer for contact improvisation jams.
You are welcome to dance and enjoy this beautiful space.
Don’t forget your water bottles and we look forward to dancing together during the beautiful summer season!
Credit photo: Gary Kurtz
Every first Sunday of the month will be silent jams: June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1
October 6, November 3 (Annual Jam), December 1, leading to more thoughtful and deep dancing.
The following Sundays are jams without themes.
What is a contact improvisation JAM and its principles?
We invite you to read our Guidelines for dancers and musicians on our "Web page"
• The definition of the word JAM means “improvisation session”. The contact improvisation jam is therefore a space dedicated to the improvisation of contact dance during a specific moment. The goal is to practice contact improvisation through dance. Participants are encouraged to come dance, improvise, explore creativity and ’weight shifting’.
• Everyone can dance with everyone. The dance can be done as a duo, but also with the desired number of partners. People are free to come out and join in the dance whenever they want.
• Despite the free side of this improvisation session, there are some principles to respect. Everyone is responsible for “looking out” for others and themselves. To do this, it is important to listen to oneself and to the verbal or non-verbal signs in others that invite or hinder sharing in the dance.
• Most of the time the jam is silent, that is to say without music. We are aware that this moment is also an opportunity to meet and socialize. If you want to exchange and discuss, we ask that you speak in a low voice outside of the space dedicated to dancing.
• Since contact dancing involves great physical proximity, we ask that you take care of your personal hygiene and not wear perfume or strong odors that could irritate others.
Looking forward to seeing many of you on the dance floor!
Sunday Jam at Studio 303
A tradition in Montreal since the 80s!
Studio 303
372, Ste-Catherine west, Place-des-Arts metro station
From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Price: $7
More info: