CLASSES BACK ON SEPTEMBER 8th, 2019 with Stéphanie Gaudreau

Happy holidays
January 6 at 303, 13 at Cat’s Corner and 20 at 303
taught by Eryn Dace Trudell

The immediate
Eryn will gather requests with those who are present to determine the content of the class. She enjoys teaching the basics and they will always be the point of departure if there are any participants who have never studied or practiced CI in the group.
Honouring the body conscious, Trudell teaches kinaesthetic awareness through dancing as an ingredient to boosting confidence, motivating energy and maintaining good health physically, emotionally and psychologically. Her classes speak to the body itself, suggesting ways that movement can free us from unconscious patterns, to enhance our thinking, grace, social availability, cultural empathy, and genuine pleasure in expression, and allow us to tap into our innate wisdom.
Biography of Eryn
January 27th at 303, February 3-10 at Studio Par B.L.eux
taught by Nina Galéa

During our 3 classes together we will explore various ways to stay in touch with our partner. Basic notions of sharing weight and rolling the point of contact will be reviewed. However, the primary focus will be that of witnessing and embracing the exchange which takes place during contact-improvisation.
Questions such as «What keeps a dance alive? »
« What can I do when a dance starts losing its momentum? » will be addressed.
These classes will provide tools which can help in maintaining an honest and open connection.
All levels welcome.
Biography of Nina
17th-24th february, 3rd march at 303
taught by Kinga Michalska and George Longshadow

Melting Roses, Stretching Suns
Contact improv to us is a dance form that is somewhere between dynamic cuddling and play fighting. This entry level class will allow you to familiarize yourself with basic CI vocabulary in an environment that prioritizes consent and healthy boundaries.
We will practice listening to our bodies and communicating what feels good in the moment through both verbal and non-verbal channels.
Unlike other forms of partner dance, CI has a potential to be free of gender roles - leading and following is interchangeable based on careful with mutual listening. We will explore ways of initiating and ending a dance, negotiating levels of intimacy, transferring weight, using different tones of touch, and playing with imaginative improvisational scores in solo, duo and group arrangements. Coming to contact for the first time can be intimidating and awkward. In the spirit of care and playfulness we want share with you tools which will help you express yourself and connect with others.
The class is a part of ACI weekly Sunday class series and is open everyone. That being said, as queer dancers we are committed to creating a safer environment for marginalized bodies (queer, trans, BIPOC, fat). We invite all participants to actively contribute to that vision.
COME JOIN US! Fun. Play. Rolling on the floor. Things. Bodies. Soft. JUMPING. Sleeping. Silly. Very serious. Crying in the corner. Something tender. Care care. Kicking. Holding. And CONSENT! Byeee! Weee.
" The class will be taught mostly in English, and together we will make a collective effort to translate the key informations for those who will need it."
Biography of Kinga
Biography of George : George is a white queer and trans clown, dancer and parent based in Tio’tia:ke, Montreal. Their passion for connection has led them to create classes and performances which combine partner dancing and clowning. Their interest in teaching is to provide space to process everyday life shit with play and connection while centering artists, freaks, weirdos and queers.
March 10th and June 9th at 303
taught by Delphine Marot

17th-24th and 31st march at 303
taught by Kelly Keenan
Credit : Emily Gan

Feeling Dancing
Fascinated by how we can sense movement akin to how we sense touch, these tuning classes for Contact Improvisation will explore ways to transfer the tactile experience we get from our inner (visceral) sensation, the floor and each other into dancing through space with both "imagined" and "real" dance partners.
I will propose different tasks, anatomical prompts and images to guide, layer and shape our experience of a dance. You can expect to do some somatic exploration of movement ideas, repeated loops of short coordinations, guided partner-work and improvisation. These classes will weave from floor to standing and with a great interest in the artful play and pleasure of dancing.
Biography of Kelly
7th-14th and 21st April at 303
taught by Nicoletta Dolce

Things to improvise … Composition in all its shapes!
How to inhabit the dancing space around us and to fill it of our presence?
How to deal with the present moment and the immanent matter?
Here are two of the questions going through these workshops, inserted in a perspective of individual and collective composition.
Biography of Nicoletta
April 28th at 303, May 5th at Cat’s Corner and May 12th at 303
taught by Vincent-Nicolas Provencher

Creative dance workshop
It is so easy to come back in ours pattern of movement, but where the inspiration come from? The unconscious, the daily habit and the game are 3 excellent way to get through.
Credit photo: Valérie Sangin
During this only 1h15 workshop, we will beat the challenge of changing ours patterns. To get in, we will learn and understand the different creation tools like the shapes, the space and the dynamics and how to play with them. Welcome to neophyte and advance people.
Biography of Vincent-Nicolas
May 19th-26th, June 2nd at 303
taught by Maryse Damecour

Dancing together
In three workshops, we will go through basic notions of improvised contact dance.
First (May 19th), we explore an emphatic touch in order to enter into a sensitive and respectful connection to the other.
Credit photo: Renaud Philippe
The second workshop (May 26th) focuses on the positioning of the body in relation to the partner. We see how to reach our maximum strength using our flexibility.
During the third workshop (June 2th), we learn a few lifts to enhance our dances. Softness, strength and lifts, these three workshops will help you develop a diverse, fun and safe dance.
* Workshops can be followed together or separately
Biography of Maryse
June 9th at 303
taught by Delphine Marot

16th-23rd and 30th June at 303
taught by Danielle Beaudet

A-B-C of Contact-Improvisation
In this series of three classes, I will share with you my own "ABC" of Contact Improvisation.
A- Attention, Activation, Authenticity, Action,
B- Biomechanics
C- Body, Connection and Contact with oneself and the other.
Through solos, group and partner explorations, I will propose ways to deepen our notions of structures and functions of our body, whether moving or still. We will explore the biomechanics of the body, its characteristics and its spatio-temporal responses to a system of forces (gravity, tension) and internal or external constraints (liquids, weight, tone).
Here are some examples of tools used:
• Arriving in space and in your body by touch
• Move your kinesphere with notions of volume and curves.
• Move your kinesphere with notions of lines and directions.
• Move your kinesphere by exploring different spatial planes
such as horizontal, sagittal, and vertical.
• Investigate the contact point that slides, rolls, support, and explores notions of surface, anchorage, and support.
The primary goal of this class is to have fun and live in one’s body. These experiences will allow us to broaden our vocabulary of movement to better tell our story and discuss with our partners in motion.
The course is for beginners and intermediate dancers who want to revise the basics.
Biography of Danielle