September 8th, 15th, 22th at 303 and 29th at Studio Par B.L.eux
Taught by Stéphanie Gaudreau

And if our body of liquids became a support to our movements?
In Contact Improvisation, our skeletal-muscular system is strongly solicited to meet the needs of grounding, gravity, weight modulation and point of contact.
This system is our fundamental structure, it is a starting point for movement in space.
When we are in-bodied into this system, we add extra finesse in our movements. Through touch, with listening and curiosity, we can have access to another type of support in the body favoring states of lightness and fluidity. This opening towards the interior fluids produces spaces of suspensions and dynamic creations allowing the transformation of the dance between tension and relaxation.
This class of contact will be supported and inspired by Body Mind Centering’s approach to bring somatic quality to our dance. These explorations will feed, shift and refresh our way through the Contact Improvisation. We’re adding composition spaces to allow dancers to learn how to connect, create and play!
Biography of Stéphanie
October 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th at 303.
Taught by Andrew Harwood

This classes are series of somatosensory investigations in contact improvisation utilizing touch to nourish our appetite for greater intimacy, belonging, well-being, and clear communication with oneself and others.
The fundamental intention of these sessions is to foster inclusiveness on all levels and to be emotionally safe and present while dancing.
Musing upon the skin as a sensitive, flexible and permeable membrane, we will use our touch and the wondrous environmental nature of our physical being as our training ground to explore the surface, volume, tone, texture and density of the body in stillness and in movement.
Perceptual/figurative skills such as “seeing” through the skin, “tasting” sensation or “listening” to the rhythm of the dance, will be examined and integrated into the greater set of essential physical skills such as: moving while supporting the weight of another dancer (from1% to100%), falling and landing safely from any level, modulating the tone of one’s body, following and maintaining the point of contact, and being omni-directionally responsive while dancing with a partner.
Bring curiosity, an open mind and a desire to dance.
Open to everyone.
Biography of Andrew
November 2nd and 3rd, 2019: ANNUAL JAM at Circuit-Est

Details: HERE
November 10th, 17th and 24th, 2019 at 303.
Taught by Danielle Beaudet

Pathways of the fluid systems, of the body and space.
In this series of three classes, I will guide you on a somatic movement journey that will awaken our fluid system. Each week we will visit a specific liquid (blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid) to nourish our possibilities of moving, alone and with a partner, through space.
Credit photo: Manuel Shannon Shink
These experiences will support us during exercises on the sharing of weight and on the point of contact that slides and rolls.
These bases will serve as references while we examine notions of tone and anchoring, concepts that organizes the body to create support surfaces and facilitates the exploration of pathways that allow us to go down to the floor a get up from the floor safely.
The purpose of this work is to cultivate a presence to oneself and one’s partner, to have fun in a context that respects’ our comfort zone and limits. All levels of dance and physical abilities are welcome.
This class of Contact Improvisation will be supported by the somatic approach of Body Mind Centering®
Biography of Danielle
December 1st, 8th, 15th at 303.
Taught by Jori Snell

Questioning placement, displacement and geography in CI
We are all familiar with the sensation of “right time, right place, right action”, but what does it mean?
Is it possible to find tools towards fine-tuning one’s sense of “belonging”?
Or what could possible ingredients be for awakening a sense of home-coming ín the dance, ín the space, ín this body…at a particular moment, at a particular place or spot, -with a partner, the rest of the group or alone-?
Credit : Jonah Leslie Harwood
What does it take to become more aware of these moments and is it possible to be more open and inviting to these moments, or even ‘create the circumstances’ for these moments to happen?
From a somatic, contemplative approach and through bodywork, we will explore in these three Sunday-classes what this ‘being in the right moment- in the right place’ could mean. Continuing with improvisations in various forms and numbers, we will question if and how our inner sense of placement and ‘geography’ plays a role in our orientation towards the outer geographic landscape of an improvisation and vice versa..
Inspired by views on geography by James Hilman, Jungian psychologist:
“…when turning our attention into land and landscape: into mountains, rivers, forests, deserts, jungles. Again: place and aesthetic sense. Geography is much deeper than History—it is there where you can find the richest archetypal images. You should look for the animal soul that is rooted in nature” *
* Extract from article: ‘From history to geography-conversations with James Hillman’
Biography of Jori