4th and 25th May. Classes parents-enfants en Contact Impro.
Projet pilote guidé par quelques professeurs de l’ACI
Cost : $14/ classe (jam included)
Nous travaillerons avec tout les niveaux d’âges pour tous les enfants de la communauté.
Si vous sentez un brin de responsabilité communautaire ou le désir d’apprendre de cette nouvelle génération vous pouvez même venir sans enfant ou inviter celui du voisin !
Ce projet pilote a comme objectif :
Développer des outils d’intégrations pour la nouvelle génération qui participe dans nos jams ;
développer les principes de base du contact impro avec les enfants ;
apprendre à travailler avec leur créativité ;
savoir comment les intégrer dans nos danses et dans l’espace, etc.
11th and 18th May taught by Irina Ruzu
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
Solo support.
The course will focus on the importance of supporting the partner to create a dance duet. The technical part includes ground work. In this way, body architecture will be studied in order to slide on the ground without effort using momentum, weight and the gravitational center of the body.
Biography of Irina : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article741.html
5, 12, 19, 26 JANUARY taught by Delphine Marot
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
The roots of the mouvement, the spirale in Contact improvisation :
Come to explore the power of the spiral inside, around yourself and with a partner.
We will danse as a duet and as a trio for finding the fludity between our connexion.
Biography of Delphine : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article817.html
2, 9 FEBRUARY taught by Nina Galea
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
What brings people together? How do I connect with another human being
through Contact-Improvisation?
We will explore a variety of ways and options which bring about a
satisfying encounter.
Biography of Nina : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article299.html
16, 23 FEBRUARY taught by Lou Poirier
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
Let’s explore our backspace in order to test our confidence! How to have « eyes in the back of our heads » ?
How do the mind and body act/react in this hind territory?
Step by step, we will tame the « dancing back » in an evolving way, taking greater and greater risks. From fall to take off!
Credits : Andre Blanchet
Biography of LOU :
Lou discovered Contact improvisation while living in Europe. She has since investigated this practice by intensively studying movement motor principles and fonctional anatomy thru Axis syllabus and various pratices of somatic movement approaches such as Feldenkrais, BMC© and Pilates
She studied at « Bewegungs-Art schule » in Freiburg, Germany, where she dug into Improvisation skills, dance and performance. Forever a student, she is constantly looking to deepen the sources of learning and does not miss a chance to perform, jam, teach and study, as she did in the past, with various artists in America and Europe.
6, 9, 16, 23 March taught by Isaac Savoie
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
Support, trust, abandonment, dynamic, complicity, exploration, … are some elements that will allow you to offer you an exciting dance and have fun. Do not miss YOUR dance by intellectualizing it, but let your BODY do the dance! The workshop aims to educate yourself on those different elements that will influence your dance.
Biography of Isaac : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article735.html
6, 13, 20, 27 April taught by Eryn Dace Trudell
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
These classes will focus on simplicity. Eryn always teaches the basics of CI in a very straightforward and simple way. She will also be focusing on dancing with injuries, vulnerabilities and honesty.
Biography of Eryn : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article254.html