26 November and 3 December taught by Leyla Demir

Enlivening your Contact Points and Fluids in Motion
Are you ready to broaden your movement horizons?
What wants to emerge in your CI dance?
These are valuable reflections for bringing more spark into your movement practice! Through presence, openness, and connectedness, awareness can blossom! We will look more closely at attitude, attention, and arriving into yourself and your environment as well as exploring some fundamental movement principles in these upcoming classes. I will also incorporate some somatic exercises to assist in sinking into self awareness to connect with what is alive for you in your dance.
On Sunday November 26th we will investigate Enlivening your Contact Points to Deepen your Dance Connection Discover how weight distribution and extensions can increase lightness, agility, and ease in your dance. Furthermore, bringing more awareness and multiplicity to your contact points also increases your versatility of movement making for more dynamic and engaging dances.
Sunday December 3rd Fluids in Motion: Feeling into the Fluidity of Dance.
Bring awareness to your fluid-body and enjoy graceful dances! How does water move? Humans consist mostly of water. In harmonizing your movement to the water element and principles of nature, you will connect to a smoother flow of movement.
Biography of Leyla
10 December taught by Vincent-Nicolas Provencher

Creative dance workshop
It is so easy to fall back into our habits of movement, but where do we find inspiration?
The unconscious, the daily habit and the game are 3 excellent ways to get through. During this short 1h15 workshop, we will beat the challenge of changing our patterns. To get in, we will learn and understand different creation tools, such as shapes, space and dynamics, and learn how to play with them. Welcome to both novice and advanced.
Biography of Vincent-Nicolas

3, 10, 17 and 24 september 2017, taught by Stephanie Gaudreau

Become better support
In this series of classes, we will explore the basic principles of Contact Improvisation by focusing on the central axis of the body ie the axial skeleton (skull and spine) and other related body structures. The aim is to create a feeling of tonicity in our central axis while respecting the fluid qualities present in our body as useful tool for practicing the Contact Impro.
From individual warm-up, to contact with the other and the space let the dance express itself with more confidence, anchoring, presence, and magic!
Biography of Stephanie
1 october 2017 taught by Bronwen Moen

Geodesic Animals
Within the rich language of Contact Improvisation we will explore both the anatomy and social engagement patterns of four animal forms : the horse, raven, wolf and monkey. Using these animals as both models and metaphors we will play with dynamic connection sequences and habits, exploring the wild and elastic power of our myofascial systems. We will open our attention and perception, while pouncing, attuning, prowling and finding flight, rough touch, and sweet melt !
Biography of Bronwen
8 october 2017, taught by Delphine Marot

15, 22 and 29 october 2017 taught by Catherine Fabiola Lessard

Space is a playground
During these classes, the environment will be our main partner (including others, floor, space and forces). We will practice navigating through the numerous stimulus, with mental and physical flexibility.
Our skin and our nervous system, as the core locations for the exchanges between our inner environment and our outer environment, will be encouraged to adapt and organize in facing the unpredictable and inevitable external reality. We will play, and stimulate our curiosity. Playing is a fundamental research and development tool, in the short term (our dances) and in the longer term (our relation to the world). Touch, breathing, approach-and-departure, fluidity, rhythm and weight transfers will be at the center of our explorations.
Biography of Catherine
5 and 12 November 2017 taught by Jori Snell

Sensing the dance
In these two Sunday classes we will explore relationships between our senses & our dance. How do I experience the dance? And from where do I experience it?
Using principles and skills from Contact Improvisation, we will particularly work with touch and vision to enter new ways to respond to stimuli from the inside and around us. We will playfully explore how our senses can inspire and influence our dance and learning. Dancing alone and with others, we will work with observing and being observed, as an active and engaging tool for our improvisation.
The material will be prepared in a way that beginners as well as experienced dancers can profit fully.

Biographie de Jori : She is a physical performing-and visual artist from Holland/Denmark (1972). Educated at Institutet för Scenkonst (93) in Italy and Nordisk Teaterskole (98) in Denmark. Since 1998 she works as a freelance performer, director and educator in Europe, transforming her training in physical theatre, visual art, contact improvisation, martial arts and butoh-related approaches into a very personal language.
Between 2008-16 she single-handedly initiated and launched the contact improvisation scene in Cape Town/South Africa, sustaining a CI community there. Her greatest inspiration in CI and Improvisation has come from her intensive work with Kirstie Simson (UK/USA), Bo Madvig (DK), Lucia Walker (UK) and Andrew Harwood (CA).
18 and 19 November 2017 : MONTREAL ANNUAL JAM