9 and 16 December facilited by Vincent-Nicolas Provencher

Mass as security
For this two-class session, we will visit how the body mass can help our partners, how to handle it and how to be comfortable with it. Weight is a taboo in our society and a brake to contact improvisation.
However, using weight appropriately is synonymous with safety when you know how to use it and how to dose it. We will see across these 2 days, the benefits of this tool, the areas to avoid, the points of support that can be used to dose our weight and how to distribute it.
Biography of Vincent-Nicolas

FREE Classes for "Journées de la culture" on Sunday, September 30 facilitated by Stéphanie Gaudreau.
Come in large numbers to studio 303!
Note that if you participate only in the jam you will have to pay your entry.

Lift … Shifting
In this small moment of classes to spend together, I would like to offer a tasty mixture of body states and exercises that I find essential and whose usefulness in Contact Improvisation.
When it comes to receiving the weight or giving it, being suspended and flying, moving from one point to another, how can I use the structure of my body with fluidity and in an effortless way with my partner (s)? How awaken to the opportunities that slip through the transitions in the dance who is take out of our habits well anchored?
For this, we will work with concepts and images that are incorporated and that build the link with the other - to discover a little more comfort and ease, more diversities and joys to collaborate to the magic of dance!
– Recognize and explore our bearing surfaces in the litters;
– 3D anchoring;
– Notions of pivots, rolls, slips, "squeeze space";
– Variations of tonicity in the contact points - absorb, empty, warrior, etc.
Please bring your joy of movement as well as comfortable cotton style clothing and a long sleeve sweater to better slip to the ground.
The workshops are open to everyone, each with their own baggage and abilities. The requirement is in the capacity for concentration and the desire to create together.
Stéphanie has been actively involved since 1992 in the Community of Contact Improvisation, founder of the ACI in Montreal and "Danse Orée des Bois" located in the wilderness of Estrie.
Therapist of the movement, dancer, teacher and woman of the earth, since 1996 she dedicates her professional life to the human being.
Biography of Stephanie
7, 14 at 303 and 28 October facilited by Danielle Beaudet

Tone and reflex.
In this series of three courses we will play with our primitive reflex, our righting reflex also known as our labyrinthine righting reflex and responses of balancing.
We will explore the patterns of automatic movements underlying the reflexes, those that support and organize the body in space.
Postural and muscular tone is related to the interaction of its internal and external environment. Through exercises with our partners we will discover how physiological extension and flexion we will help us perceive its constant modulation.
The purpose of these explorations is to cultivate presence of self and to others, to refine our motor coordination skills and to develop instinctive responses.
These experiments we will serve as points of reference to make conscious and safe choices for improvising alone and in a duo and will inform our explorations of descents and coming up from the ground using counterweight.
Come dance and explore the tools that support contact improvisation and deepened our willingness to act and react with our circles and our partners.
Biography of Danielle
21 October facilited by Eryn Dace Trudell

Spaces opening.
Cultivating Availability.
Drawing from Skinner Releasing Technique, this class will focus on letting go of expectations, judgments and unnecessary holding that get in the way of maximum freedom of movement.
Biography of Eryn
4, 11 and 18 November facilited by Bronwen Moen

Handle with Care:
Dance that supports our personal and collective systems.
This series of classes explores movement, togetherness and being seen and heard as tools of Care.
Bronwen’s classes draw from ideas within : Authentic Movement, The Work that Reconnects, Authentic Relating, Hakomi, Axis Syllabus, Clowning, Yoga, Tarot, Performance structures/experiments as well as Contact Improvisation.
Each class will play with unwinding and rewinding ourselves,
especially our nervous systems and as a group.
It will look at reducing harm within dance, how our anatomy can be best supported for the longevity of our enjoyment of this form. It will be playful and honest and refreshing.
Leaving us more capable, relaxed and aware of ourselves and our space of dance. It will give us tools to support our dance and our lives.
This class is available to all levels of dance and physical ability.
Bronwen is herself healing a back injury.
Biography of Bronwen
24 and 25 November 2018 : MONTREAL ANNUAL JAM

2 December 2017, taught by Delphine Marot