7, 14, 21 December, taught by Terhi Rasilo}}
Cost : $14/ classe or $35/ serie of 3 classes (jam included)
For me softness and strength are one of the main elements in CI.
I need to be soft and flexible in order to react to impulses, to be mobile, to meet others in comfortable way. And I need to have strength to support my structure, to support other.
For me they are not too opposite or exclusive elements but can exist in the same time. Can you be strong in your center while keeping you surface soft?
We will explore the scales to familiarize ourselves with different levels of strength and softness so that we have every moment of a dance we can chose how much we need to use.
Because in improvisation you never know what is going to happen and it is easier if you have many options available.
Biography of Terhi : HERE
7, 14, 21 and 28 September taught by Isaac Savoie et Nicoletta Dolce}}
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
Biography of Isaac : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article735.html
Biography of Nicoletta : IN FRENCH
5, 12 October taught by Bronwen Eureka Moen}}
A beautiful conversation between geodesic animals
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
Credit : Bronwen Moen
These two classes explore the architecture of bodies in duets. Sourcing from our anatomical structure, we will look at dynamic alignment sequences, using repetition to develop new habits, and explore the elastic power of our myofascial systems. We will open our attention and perception, while pouncing, pooling, prowling and finding flight, rough touch, and sweet melt!
Biography of Bronwen : ICI
19, 26 October, Parent-child classes in CI taught by Delphine Marot}}
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
2, 16, 23 and 30 November taught by Andrew Hardwood}}
Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)
SUSPENSION - [of weight, of time and of disbelief]
Photo : Marta Ankiersztejn
In these classes, we will explore the many facets of suspension. This term has many meanings depending on the context. In a physical sense we can focus on the suspension of our weight in the air. This permits a stretch of time and allows freer movement as we float or hang for a moment longer delaying a fall. It’s also a system of springs or shock absorbers in our bodies by which we are cushioned from the impact of our mass into the floor, allowing for softer landings. It may also refer to the postponement of a judgment, an impulse, a decision or an opinion as in suspending our disbelief.
Biography of Andrew : HERE