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Friday to Sunday, August 18-20
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.

Open to all practitioners of Contact improv and all those who want to discovery !!

Eastern Township

Information at :
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Friday to Sunday, August 18-20
Contact Improv

The arrival is scheduled for Friday afternoon from 3pm and begins in the evening.

Places are limited to 20 people so book early !!
Facilitated by Nicoletta Dolce and Stéphanie Gaudreau

Warm-up every morning. You will be guided to let your dances gradually emerge towards a more global listening, which will gradually slip towards the jam.
Composition Scores in the afternoon to play a little more with the shape of the CI and let your creativity reveal in the moment of instinct!

Performance evening: You must register to present your research which will last a maximum of 5 minutes.

01. ODB

CI Jam 65$, early-bird fee before Friday August 10, 75$ after this date
• N-R 50 % Deposit required to reserve your spot
Evening only 15$

Crédit : Christine Simard

02. ODB 2

INTERAC PAYMENT : info@danseoreedesbois.com
Question : Où suis-je ?
Answer : jesuislà (No space between words)

Please contact us for accommodation
• Sauna, Spa, pot-luck for all meals.

Crédit Françcois Dandurand

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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