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Friday to Sunday, August 12-14
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.

Open to all practitioners of Contact improv and all those who want to discovery !!

Eastern Township

Information at :
or call us at :

Friday to Sunday, August 12-14
Contact Improv
facilitated by TDR researchers from the Great CI Community

You are welcome from Friday PM & the Opening Circle will be held on the evening, supported by the stars.

You are welcome from Friday PM & the Opening Circle will be held on the evening, supported by the stars.
You will be guided by a variety of facilitators, your dances will emerge slowly and evolve towards the Jam !

CI Jam 65$, early-bird fee before Friday July 29, 75$ after this date

• N-R 50 % Deposit required to reserve your spot
Evening only 15$
Saturday, day + evening 35$
Sunday only 25$

INTERAC PAYMENT : info@danseoreedesbois.com
Question : Où suis-je ?
Answer : jesuislà (No space between words)

Please contact us for accommodation
• Swimming, pot-luck for all meals.

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Contact us

Montreal (Quebec) Canada



Dynamic? Energetic? The Association can’t progress without a solid group of volunteers. The committees need YOU!

What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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