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Re-examining contact essentials
with Andrew Harwood

Four Saturdays: May 11, 18, 25 and June 8 from 12pm to 2:30pm
Studio White Wall
4532 Avenue Laval, Montreal (near the metro Mt Royal.)

Workshop in contact improvisation

Cost : $20/class
Informations : a1harwood@yahoo.ca
Tel : 514-523-4360
(Open to all people of various ages, genders, sizes, orientations, and levels of experience)

01.Andrew et Karen

This series of workshops invites participants to reconsider our perception of what CI essentials are as we focus on some specific and fundamental facets of CI such as: sensation, space, time and our relationships with the other dancers.

Perceptual skills involving the somatosensory systems such as “seeing” through the skin or “tasting” weight will be examined and integrated into the greater set of essential physical skills such as:
 moving while supporting the weight (1%-100%) of another dancer,
 falling and landing safely from any level,
 modulating the tone of one’s body and being omni-directionally responsive while dancing with a partner.
Credit photo: Bill Arnold

Release technique, hands-on work as well as numerous scores for dancing, warming down and discussions will be included.

The workshop intends to facilitate the development of a heightened and subtle presence in our solo, duet and trio dances, while remaining attentive to the ever-changing creative climate generated in our group compositions.

02. Andrew

Biography of Andrew : details

Credit : Patrick Beelaert

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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