Poetics of texture and space
3 courses of 2hrs & integration jam
All levels!
It is mandatory to participate in the whole day.
Early-bird $85
After November 25: $100
Payment INTERAC: a1harwood@yahoo.ca
Informations: a1harwood@yahoo.ca
Tel: 514-523-4360
In this one-day-marathon we’d like to invite you for a visual, sensual and poetic engagement and sense of aesthetics in our dancing.
If "spac" could be experienced as a physical and metaphorical ever-changing landscape, can we then accordingly tune ourselves to experience a changing of environments in the awareness of our body’s inner spheres and climates and extend it to a larger "kinesphere" that includes the room, others, and an atmosphere?
We will pay attention to different textures; physical textures, our senses, shapes and design, but also to the movement of our attention
and our mind -as a potential "texture";
can we "touch with our mind"?
Addressing both the concrete, abstract and the creative intuitive body-mind, we look forward to an intensive, focused ánd playful day together.
Andrew, Stéphanie et Jori
Arrival / Registration : 9:30
Classes #1 : 9:45-11:45
Lunch : 11:45-12:45
Classes #2 : 12:45-14:45
Break : 14:45-15:00
Classes #3 : 15:00-17:00
Jam : 17:00-18:30