Oikos, in Greek, means house, home, family and land, in other words, Human Community. It is within the heart of this precious core that dance is born and transcends all boundaries and it is with the essence of Oikos that we celebrate this year’s Contact Improvisation Festival in Montreal.
- Morning intensive workshop : Monday to Friday -
- with Daniel Lepkoff
- 4 evening C-I master classes, Monday to Thursday,
with Daniel Lepkoff, Lani Nahele, Karen Kaeja
- Night Performance : ANIMAL - 2 performances of dance improvisation
with Daniel Lepkoff- Friday, 7 pm and 9 pm
- 30th Edition of the International Montreal JAM, 1st and 2nd of december 2012,
Centre Chorégraphique Circuit-Est, 2022 Rue Sherbrooke Est


Details of the activities
- Morning intensive workshop :

At Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine West street, Montreal
Monday to Friday, Nov 26 to 30, 2012,
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Max 25 people. $75.
Registrations and questions: info@studio303.ca, 514.393.3771
[Detailed page of the event : click here
- Evening C-I master classes
4 C-I master classes in the evening,
with established canadian and american teachers. :
Monday to Thursday, Nov 26 to 29, 6:30 to 9:30 PM
At UQAM Dance Department,
840 Cherrier street, Montreal - studio K-4110
$85/series of 4 ACI classes, $27/class
$45/series of 2 classes (D. Lepkoff only)
Registration online :
Monday and Tuesday
THE SPACES BETWEEN - with Lani Nahele
WILLINGLY UNKNOWN - with Karen Kaeja
Detailed page of the event : click here
Friday night Performance
– ANIMAL - 2 dance improvisation performances with Daniel Lepkoff
At Studio 303,
372 Ste-Catherine West street, Montreal
Friday, Nov 30, at 7 PM & at 9 PM
Max 80 people per show. $12/$15.
Information : www.studio303.ca
30th Edition of the International Montreal JAM
Saturday and Sunday, December 1st & 2nd, 2012
Circuit-Est Centre Chorégraphique
2022 Rue Sherbrooke East
Montréal, QC H2K 1B9
$60 for the two days, $35 for each day (breakfast, lunch and snacks inlcuded)
Maximum Number of Dancers : 170
Registration : At the door or online : http://contactimpro.org/inscriptions/?lang=en
Also on Friday night : FLOW
November 30th. 8pm-12am.
The Loyola Chapel, 7141 Sherbrooke West.
Doors open at 8pm. We will start the opening circle at 8:30, to ground in our intentions and align our collective energy.
$20 (regular price)
$15 (student or unemployed)
Affiche de l’événement :