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Montreal International Contact Improv Festival

November 3th to November 7th 2014 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
at Jonah’s studio (Monday-thursday), 4532 Laval (corner avenue Mt-Royal)
UQAM (Friday), 840 Rue Cherrier, (local K-4110)

Registration for the Montreal International Contact Improv Festival is officially open : http://contactimpro.org/inscriptions/?lang=en

This is followed by the 32nd EDITION OF THE MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL JAM on 8 and 9 November 2014.

Thematic classes - Jams focusses - Discussions
Facilitated by Sylvia Berlin, Delphine Marot, Terhi Rasilo, Catherine Lessard
Stephanie Gaudreau and Andrew Harwood.

Monday through Thursday from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at the studio of Jonah, 4532 Laval (corner of avenue Mont-Royal), H2S 2B2, Montreal
(2 minutes from the Mont-Royal metro)
Friday from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at the dance department at UQAM, 840 Cherrier Street (local K-4110).

Cost :
$ 90 for the whole week.
$ 25 per session for Monday 3rd Wednesday 5 Thursday 6, Friday, Nov. 7.
$ 10 for Underscore Tuesday, November 4 (fixed price).
$ 80 (instead of $ 100) when registering for the 4 stages.

MONDAY 3 - 2+1 The TRIO or more - Discussions. Facilitated by Sylvia Berlin

TUESDAY 4 - Underscore (guest musician on site) –- Harvest - sharing.
Facilitated by Delphine Marot et Terhi Rasilo

WEDNESDAY 5 - Eyes Closed, Sens Awake! - Jam - Discussions. Facilitated by Catherine Lessard

THURSDAY 6 - La Grande danse, un Sacré beau voyage ! - Jam – Discussions.
Facilitated by Stéphanie Gaudreau

VENDREDI 7The progressive round robin – Meeting - Video - discussions.
Facilitated by Andrew Harwood.
Watching Videos on years "A Cappella Motion" in the United States.
(Varied selection of performances by several contactors exceptional improvisers 80s).

List of sponsors below footer [1]


Monday, November 3th, guided by Sylvia Berlin

2+1 THE TRIO or more ?

Photo : Amandine Rovetta


Questioning one base of CI as a duet form. How to open towards integrating a
third person or another element from the environement?

Bio Sylvia

Tuesday, November 4th, guided by Delphine Marot and Terhi Rasilo

SPACE and COMPOSITION - The UNDERSCORE by Nancy Stark Smith.

This practice will be an occasion to compose with movement and space.
An occasion to nourish self, contemplate, create in the present moment. We will witness our research and let the group intelligence find its voice and its colour.

If you are not familiar with the Underscore theory, there will be a presentation on Tuesday 4, just before the event, at 17:30 in Kahwa coffee, 263 Mont-Royal East (corner of Laval).
Please confirm your participation to Underscore@contactimpro.org
If you can not attend, please contact us before November 4th, we will be happy to send you information.

Please confirm with : Underscore@contactimpro.org

Wenesday, November 5th, guided by Catherine Lessard

Eyes closed ! Senses Awake !

Photo :Véronique Proulx


A collective and individual work that goes beyond our gaze, followed by a great "bling ball".
For the Contact Improv dancer, here is an opportunity to explore with curiosity and enthusiasm the constant exchanges that are taking place between his inner universe and the outer world, while changing his habitual parameters.
What happens when our gaze changes its focus - like a lens would ?
How do the brain and other senses react when our eyes are closed in action?
How do we experience touch in the deeper layers of our body, way below our epidermis ?
This class will allow us to modify our entry doors onto the environment, and subsequently observe our relationship to trust, to sounds, to skin and to physical-energetic encounters.
We will also be the privileged witnesses of the operating of our reflexes and internal orientation system.

You are welcome, with or without a blindfold !
The jam that will follow the class will be slightly guided in order to assure everyone’s safety.

Bio Catherine

Thursday, November 6th, guided by Stéphanie Gaudreau

LA GRANDE DANSE – Un SACRÉ beau voyage !
Une danse, un partenaire (duo ou trio), 60 minutes.


To begin with, there will be a guiDance through poetic body exploration and moments of sharpening our touch (oscillation, perception, tonicity) in varied supports. We will move in the unknown and the unexpected.
We will awaken our sensitivity, our creativity in an environment that nourish trust so our awareness opens to somatic wisdom where lies the essential.

Secondly, during the open jam, I will invite you to dive in a creative process that leads to a « sacred » experience.
« Sacred », because it connects us with the other, the environment and its share of mystery. Touch creates profound bonds and weave an infinite potential between us.
Let’s dare to open in the presence of the other(s), in the experience of being here, together, relaxed and centered, welcoming our limits and our power.
In this interactive game and this risk taking contact and expression, we can learn to « Be », to adjust to the unknown and feel our relationship with the « collective body ».

At last, to integrate the work, we will for 30 minutes, exchange on our experience.

Bio Stéphanie

Friday, November 7th, guided by Andrew Harwood


Photo : Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood


The progressive round-robin is a focused jam that begins with a short personal guided warm-up and gently shifts into a tight standing circle of all participants.
One short contact duet begins, then two, and three, up to half the participants present.
As the circle of witnesses grows to fill the room, the duets also gradually expand in time. We begin with thirty-second dances and end with ten-minute dances. We will have a period to harvest or thoughts.

We conclude with a time of sharing and viewing video over the years "A Cappella Motion" in the United States (varied selection of performances by several contactors exceptional improvisers 80s).

Photo : Dhgivan Paak


Bio Andrew

**Add to the pleasure!**
In the prolonging of the CI Festival and of the Annual Jam, join the workshop :

FLOOR WORK FOR IMPROVISERSS - with Catherine Lessard
November 10 to 13 (monday to thursday), morning sessions at Studio 303.
"A must for mastering the art of refinement and adaptation in Contact Improvisation."
Limited number of participants, recommended to register early!
All details here HERE


Sponsors Breakfast :

Garden of Life

03. Garden of Life

Le fromentier

04. Le fromentier

Fruits d’érable

05. Fruit d'érable

La Clef des Champs

06. La clef des champs

Gauthier et Fils

Sponsors Lunch :

Maison Orphée

07. Maison d'orphée

Rise Kombucha

08. Rise Kombucha


09. Koyo

Première Moisson

10. Première moisson

Sponsors Annual Jam :

Projet Aztec

11. Projet Aztech


11. Eau de source naturelle Amaro


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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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