Map : HERE
Max 30 persons
Registration before November 15th :
$125/series of 5 ACI classes
Registration after November 15th :
$140/series of 5 ACI classes
$30 /class
Registration online :
In this workshop we will review some essential images of Contact, such as the small dance of skeletal balance as introduced by Steve Paxton. We will practice various rolls and puzzles and embody these navigation tools to enhance our solo and partner dancing. We will employ practical safety movements to help our muscle memory kick-in when we need it— during the complex partnering of a freely improvised duet. We will practice freedom. And, influenced by Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Scores, we will play with exposing communication between dancers using attention and voice, charging the space with awareness. Class is open to all levels; dancing with mixed levels will be encouraged.

Karen Nelson has been dancing Contact Improvisation for 35 years. She has toured, teaching and performing in many places worldwide and has collaborated with many wonderful artists. Tremendous influences continue to include Steve Paxton and his system Material for the Spine; Lisa Nelson and her dance of perception and space with Tuning Scores; mixed ability and dancing communities such as DanceAbility Diverse Dance Research Retreats and Breitenbush Jam; Russell Delman’s Embodied Life Mentorship Program; Barbara Dilley’s Contemplative Dance Practice; qi gong, meditation and a renewed training in Aikido.
- Photo : John Dancey