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Manuel Shannon Shink

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Manuel Shannon Shink (he, they) : Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in choreography, a DEC in contemporary dance and a Certificate in psychology (Concordia, EDCM, UQAM), Manuel studies contact improvisation and partner work with Andrew Harwood, Catherine Lessard and Sylvain Lafortune. He seeks authenticity, commitment, and good communication in the movement.
In addition to participating in activities organized here in Quebec, he danced the contact improv in Berlin, Burlington and Toronto. He has been a chef at three intensive CI retreats and is currently a member of the ACI Sunday Classes Committee.

As a performer, he has worked for Eroca Nicols, Andrew Turner, Harold Rhéaume, Lucie Grégoire, the company Promito Playback Theater and the improv league Les Imprudanses. He co-founded the studio Élan d’Amérique where he teaches two series of technique and improvisation courses. His choreographic work was presented at Tangente, Perspective Danceworks, ZH festival, as well as at Vue sur la Relève. He currently organizes the drawing activities of Queer Bodies - Life Drawing.

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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