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Jam d’automne à Boston

Les 8 et 9 octobre 2005, un jam hyper-sympathique à prix raisonnable. Qui s’offre pour le covoiturage ? (Texte anglais seulement)

We’re delighted to announce…

* * * * * THE FALL JAM * * * * *

Boston’s fifth annual autumn contact improvisation dance
weekend October 8 and 9.

Join us for a relaxing and fun weekend of dance and

Details below, and at our website :


Directions to the Masonic Hall are on the website (if you
can’t access them on the Fall Jam page ; look under May Jam
— it’s the same location !)

As usual, the jam will include lots of yummy food
(breakfast and lunch both days), plenty of dancing, a live
music improv jam Saturday night (with musicians Molly
Flannery and Reinmar Seidler) and led warm-ups both

All levels of contact improvisers are welcome to this

Special notice :

This year, we’re encouraging our community members to add
five or ten or twenty dollars to the registration fee, with
the proceeds to be divided between the Earthdance Building
Fund, Contact Quarterly. These are two institutions that
are critical to the improvisational dance
community and which are both in need of funding right now.
So you can come and dance *and* do your part to support
Earthdance and CQ !


Saturday - Sunday, October 8-9, 2005

  • Saturday 10am-11pm
    Start the day with brunch ; we’ll do an opening circle
    and a warm-up,
    then dance all day… (with a break for lunch,
    if you want.)
    -* Saturday evening :
    Explore Porter Square and find a nice place to have
    dinner with new or old friends,
    then come back to dance some more !

-* Evening improv jam open to public /
8 to 11 p.m. /
$7-$10 (included for weekend jam attendees).
Music will be provided
by Molly Flannery and Reinmar Seidler
sharing jazz piano, cello improvising,
and various and sundry other
musical accompaniment to your dancing !

  • Sunday 10am-5pm
    More yummy food, followed by a warm-up
    and open dancing all day,
    with lunch in the middle…

-* Sometimes we add music or a group score
into the mix…
let us know if you have suggestions.

Since "it takes a village" to make a jam, we’ll ask for
your help in serving and cleaning up meals, and both set-up
and clean-up of the space. Thanks in advance !

Location :

Masonic Hall, 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Porter Square, Cambridge, MA

Registration :

  • Fee : $55, ($45 US for Canadians)
  • $35 For Saturday, $25 for Sunday.

Take $5 off these fees if we receive your check by
September 23. But please consider *adding* to your
registration fee to support Earthdance and CQ !

Please make checks payable to Contact Improvisation Boston.

Send registration to :
Maxine Gautier
PO Box 301773
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Housing info :
Contact Max, joyfuldanseur@yahoo.com, 978-857-5513
If you need housing, please let her know ASAP.

Any questions ?
Contact Max (info above)
or Dey, deysummer@yahoo.com, 339-368-0163

Dance Friday Boogy

Dance Friday boogie is happening Friday night, October 7

A fun way to begin the weekend !

8pm-Midnight Friday. $7-$10
Phillips Congregational Church,
111 Mount Auburn St, Watertown, MA

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Montréal (Québec) Canada


Devenez bénévole !

Dynamique ? Énergique ? L’Association ne peut voguer que si les passagers deviennent équipage. Les comités ont besoin de VOUS !

Qu’est-ce que la danse contact improvisation ?

Une invitation au lâcher-prise dans un havre de paix. Danser, expérimenter les lois de la gravité, du momentum et de l’équilibre, voilà le contact improvisation.

Abonnez-vous à l’infolettre