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Info Sunday Classes

Sundays from 10-11:30am at UQAM
840 Rue Cherrier, local 4110, metro Sherbrooke
Classes back on January 5, 2014

Cost : $14/ classe or $45/ serie of 4 classes (jam included)

Classes back on January 5, 2014

NOVEMBER 24 and DECEMBER 8,15, 22 taught by Catherine Lessard

Foundation for CI

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A look at our incredible capacity for physical adjustment to the movement of our environment.
During this series of classes, we will have the opportunity to exercise our capacity to pay attention, in the present moment. We will cultivate tools to recognize and refine the constant dialogue that exists between our physical body and the forces passing through it. Our animal brain will be invited to overstep on our "social brain". We will study how to study, we will research how to research, in order to be physically ready for improvisation, in contact with the ensemble of our partners (forces, objects, beings, space, sounds). We will practice to become permeable to the movement of weight, inside and outside of us.

Biography of Catherine : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article253.html

SEPTEMBER 8,15, 22 and 29 taught by Stephanie Gaudreau


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Credit : Benoît Dhennin

Libérez les résonances du corps et le souffle de l’esprit pour les rendre disponible à la danse Contact Improvisation.
Le corps de "contact" est une qualité d’esprit et d’écoute qui amène le corps à bouger très librement tout en étant soutenu par une fondation bien enracinée.

Comme moteur d’échauffement nous développerons l’écoute des résonances entre nos différents systèmes (squelette, fluides et muscles) à l’expérience guidée de la danse et
aux différents exercices qui se dessineront devant nous.
Chaque classe est abordée comme une étude du mouvement ou chacun découvre ses propres qualités et comment transformer sa danse en relation avec soi, les autres et l’espace.

Biography of Stephanie : http://www.contactimpro.org/fr-article427.html

OCTOBER 6, 13 taught by Kelly Keenan


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The body is one’s personal harbour of sensation. The skin, encasing the body, is a sensitive and malleable interface with the world outside of ourselves. Via stimuli it helps us understand with evermore refinement our relationships between our own body and to all other life and objects outside of ourselves. This workshop is a partnering study. We will use touch and sensing to extend our understanding of our own anatomies to that of another. Anatomy and the principles of the Axis Syllabus will be referenced in guided explorations.

Biography de Kelly : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article786.html

Parent and Child CI classes OCTOBER 20 and 27

Pilot project guilded by few teachers of the ACI

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Nous travaillerons avec tout les niveaux d’âges pour tous les enfants de la communauté.
Si vous sentez un brin de responsabilité communautaire ou le désir d’apprendre de cette nouvelle génération vous pouvez même venir sans enfant ou inviter celui du voisin !

Ce projet pilote a comme objectif :
Développer des outils d’intégrations pour la nouvelle génération qui participe dans nos jams ;
développer les principes de base du contact impro avec les enfants ;
apprendre à travailler avec leur créativité ;
savoir comment les intégrer dans nos danses et dans l’espace, etc.


NOVEMBER 3, 10 and 17 taught by Andrew Hardwood

A soft touch - Un toucher souple

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Making contact with another being implies forging a nurturing environment, which allows us to create greater intimacy, take risks, exchange, build trust, and communicate with others. C.I. is a rather sophisticated idiom that requires that the body and mind meet without hesitation in the moment of the dance. In these sessions we will focus on the quality of our touch, which transmits our intention and our desires. A soft touch is smooth in texture, is pleasing and agreeable to the senses, and brings ease and comfort to the entire being. A soft and gentle body might likely be more rounded and pliable enabling one to give and take weight smoothly and land softly avoiding destructive impact. A gentle attitude and open mind allows us to remain calm and experience serenity in our dances, while a soft gaze is expansive and transparent, like windows allowing the visceral internal sense stimulated from within the body (interoception) to interface with the kinesthetic sense by which one perceives the outer world (exteroception). A ‘soft touch’ is also a state of body and mind generating a relaxed alertness that is effortlessly filled with energy.

Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood’s present interests lie within the immediate and fullest use of all the senses, the subtle interplay between intuition and instinct, the dilation of the attention to it’s fullest, the finely tuned use of the perceptions in performance, and the unexpected interplay with an audience.

Biography of Andrew : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article785.html

NOVEMBER 24 and DECEMBER 8,15, 22 taught by Catherine Lessard

Foundation for CI

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A look at our incredible capacity for physical adjustment to the movement of our environment.
During this series of classes, we will have the opportunity to exercise our capacity to pay attention, in the present moment. We will cultivate tools to recognize and refine the constant dialogue that exists between our physical body and the forces passing through it. Our animal brain will be invited to overstep on our "social brain". We will study how to study, we will research how to research, in order to be physically ready for improvisation, in contact with the ensemble of our partners (forces, objects, beings, space, sounds). We will practice to become permeable to the movement of weight, inside and outside of us.

Biography of Catherine : http://www.contactimpro.org/en-article253.html

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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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