Friends, dancers and researchers moving,
book your dates in the beautiful nature of the Eastern Townships,
Tara Centre Bonsecours (in one of the meccas of Quebec’s energy)
Treat yourself to an unforgettable weekend in the Eastern Townships!
We will explore movement in an animal totem (yours) that will guide you throughout your stay and you will meet the deep forces that operate within you.
BIODANZA with Yves Léger
CONTACT IMPROVISATION with Stéphanie Gaudreau
LIVE MUSICIANS! with Charles Van Goidtsenhoven
(Teaching, 3 nights, 3 meals per day)
The price varies depending on the type of accommodation (Dormitory, occ. Triple and double)
$ 280 - $ 295 - $ 310
Young children up 10 will have free accommodation and meals.
from 10 to 15 meal will cost :
$4 breakfast, $7 lunch $8 dinner.
free accommodation but bring your matelas
They will be supported by a babysitter on site (extra charge).
Please advise us of the age of your children to provide for the organization accordingly.
Place : Centre Tara
184, 10ème rang, Bonsecours,Québec, J0E 1H0
google Link 10th rang :
Registration: Before 20 December
Space is limited. Book as early as possible, deposit ($ 100) required.
Label and mail to: Stéphanie Gaudreau
823, chemin Sainte-Anne, Stukely-Sud Qc. J0E 2J0
Or by Paypal (There will be additional charges of $3).
A little more…
Excellent vegetarian meals which it is possible to add fish or chicken for a small fee. Bed linen and towels are provided.
There is also an on-site sauna and a swimming pond.
Access to more than a hundred acres to walk. The magnificent view of the mountains is the contemplation of exceptional sunsets.
Saturday, December 29, 2012 :
Check-in is from 15h (registration, room, site visit)
17h30 à 19h - Dinner
19h30 à 22h - Circle opening introduction to the ritual, contact improvisation jam
Dimanche 30 :
9h30 à 10h30 - Class in contact improvisation
10h30 à 12h - Contact Improvisation Jam
12h30 à 14h - Lunch (12pm - for children)
14h30 à 16h00 - Biodanza Class
16h00 à 17h - Contact Improvisation Jam
17h30 à 19h - Dinner (17h - pour les enfants)
19h30 à 23h - Warm (CI) and live music jam
Lundi 31 :
9h30 à 10h30 - Class in contact improvisation
10h30 à 12h - Preparation of 4 directions (artistic and creative period)
12h30 à 14h - Lunch (12pm - for children)
14h30 à 16h00 - Class Authentic Movement
16h00 à 17h - Preparation of 4 directions (artistic and creative period)
17h30 à 19h - Dinner (17h - pour les enfants)
19h30 à … - Warm (CI) and jam live music, ritual of passage
Mardi 1e janvier 2013 :
9h30 à 11h30 - Warm up and contact improvisation jam
11h30 à 12h - Closing circle
12h30 à 13h30 - Lunch (12pm - for children)
13h30 à 15h - Departure
Teaching and biographies :
Sylvia Berlin
About Authentic Movement…
The AM is an approach movement, which allows access to the source of that moves within us, and what we can remember to freely express our creativity. Eyes closed, we welcome the sensations, images, impulses which emerge gestures and movements. He / she who moves experienced this inner listening and movement during an agreed period, under the gaze of others. A witness chosen in advance is particularly attentive to the experience, while observing itself that it generates. The witness used container to deploy safely. Another important phase of the process is the result of a moment of silence, a time to write or draw, before making a verbal sharing.
For people in the scene, Authentic Movement is a tool developed to monitor presence, free of judgment, the creative process of the unconscious to its manifestation.
Her journey through different approaches of the movement was the anchor to the Authentic Movement (AM) in 1987. Since then, she has trained with Janet Adler. AM is part of his personal and professional life. She sees this form as a physical practice that brings more presence to oneself and the other. Her psychotherapy training allows her to safely accompany participants, both individually and as a group, in this deep and transformative process.
Stéphanie Gaudreau
Biography Stéphanie :
Yves Léger
Biography Yves :
Yves Léger facilitator tenured school of Biodanza ® Montreal
He completed his training with Rolando Toro didacte in Milan, Italy.
Social worker by training, he experimented with different approaches and equipment and psychotherapy for over 20 years.
He was president and co-founder of the Association for Contact Improvisation Montreal (ACI).
Loïs Darie
Biography Loïs :
(À venir)