This workshop is for Contact Improvisation practitioners who wants a deeper dive into the athletic and sensibility part of CI.
In this session, we will be celebrating the Year of Dragon by playing with the quality of air - tumbling, spiraling, and whirling like dragons. There will be duet and trio experimentation with air balloons. We will also explore advanced tools for safe flying.
1:00PM - Arrival and personal warm-up
1:15PM - Concept Exercises I
2:00PM - Pause & Snacks
2:15PM - Concept Exercises II
3:00PM - Pause & Snacks
3:15PM - Jam & Harvest
4:00PM - Disengagement
Sliding Scale $25 - 35 at the studio
To reserve a place, please send me a message via FACEBOOK
Group size: 8 - 12

Bio of Ming Tsai
I am a Montreal based contact improvisation dancer who loves to travel to different corners of the CI world to explore the diverse aspect of this form. My focus in CI lies in the classic form of sharing our center of gravity, the athletic and the sensibility of our perceptions, and the physiological benefits.