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CI Class : Daring the frank contact, from my body to the other

Monday June 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Studio White Wall
4532 Avenue Laval, Montréal (Near Mt Royal subway station)

Valérie Sabbah / À Corps Consentants

This event is encompass in the C.I. ARCS PRE-SUMMER FESTIVAL 2024
this is a Montreal-based Contact-Improvisation event that brings together local and guest teachers, artists, dancers and communities from MONTREAL-QUEBEC-VANCOUVER-CALIFORNIA.

Clic HERE to access to the Facebook page of the ARCS FESTIVAL

What do we mean by chosen mixity?
This jam is not open to cis men.

01. Logo a corps consentant

Contact improv is a dance form that involves physical proximity and a level of bodily intimacy which can make us feel vulnerable. With this choosen mixity, we aim to create a space where trans, non-binary, non-gender conforming people, and women are more likely to enjoy an increased sense of security while practicing contact improv.
No experience required. No pressure to dance! Feel free to come to simply observe. Open to dancers of all levels of experience

02. Photo valerie

This contact-improvisation class, taught by Valérie Sabbah, offers an exploration of the fundamental principles and practices of this discipline. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their skills in movement and interaction through various themes.

They will learn to recognize the multidirectional choices the body has to move through space, activating and testing the ability to dare to create contact with other moving bodies, while maintaining body autonomy and self-agency in weight sharing.
The class also aims to gently unlearn the fear of weight sharing. It will provide fun and easy tips to enjoy taking the body off the floor, tasting the joy of flying, as well as ways to begin responding as a base and ground.

A reflection on what constitutes an honest, sincere, and daring contact with another body will be at the heart of this exploration. This class is designed to offer a safe and stimulating space where participants can explore and develop their ability to move freely and interact spontaneously with others. Valérie Sabbah will guide participants through exercises and games that encourage curiosity, active listening, and trust, while fostering a deep understanding of contact-improvisation.

Price: 15$ (no-one turned away for lack of funds)
You can pay at the door by cash or e-transfer.
No need to register

The studio is not accessible to people with reduced mobility (staircase)
If you have any questions about the event, don’t hesitate to contact us at acorpsconsentants@gmail.com or on the À Corps Consentants Facebook Messenger.
Please do not attend if you have Covid-like symptoms. Wearing a mask is at your own discretion.

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



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What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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