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Atelier de CI, Film & Jam avec Alyssa Lynes

Samedi 14 janvier
12h-18h Atelier CI
19h-23h Film "Five Ways In"
Studio 303
372 Rue Sainte-Catherine O #303, Montréal

01. Allyssa et Bastien

Tasser les Montagnes :

Un atelier Contact Improvisation pour approfondir nos capacités de danser avec facilité, support et stabilité
Samedi 14 janvier
Studio 303
372 Rue Sainte-Catherine O #303, Montréal, QC H3B 1A2, Canada
12:00-18:00 Atelier CI
19:00-23:00 Film "Five Ways In", Discussion, jam avec Alyssa Lynes

Atelier Contact Impro
+Soiree- Film, discussion, + Jam
Cout : $95, Cout réduit : $75, Pour supporter cout réduit : $115

Seulement Soirée : Film, Discussion, + Jam
(19h a 23h)
Cout : $30
Si l’argent est moins disponible, svp nous rejoindre et on pourrait voir a une solution

Contacter Alisa pour inscription ou plus de renseignements : Alisa259@gmail.com

Suite en anglais :

02. alyssa et Bastien 2

WORKSHOP : In this workshop we will explore moving from our spines as a means to connect our centers and travel them into our front space and backspace, as well as toward and away from our partners.
We will experiment with ways to offer and accept invitations for weight baring or lifts that take us in and out of physical contact while staying in connection. Our pathways in space will alter from linear to curved as we swing into new directions and dominate space with clarity. As stable mountains in constant motion, we will recognize and challenge our patterns of pathways and communication in order to open to new clear, creative, and playful possibilities in the dance.

SCHEDULE : Workshop, Evening Film, Discussion & Jam :

Saturday :
12:00-2:30 Workshop
2:30-3:15 Lunch Break
3:15-6:00pm workshop
6:00-7:00 Break/film set up
7:00-8:15 Introduction and film screening of "Five Ways In"
8:15-8:45 Discussion
8:45-11:00 Introduction/warmup into CI Jam

FILM SCREENING, Discussion & JAM — Invite your friends—open to public. $30

"Five Ways In" : An Anthropological Documentary on CI

(Previously shown in Toronto at Contact Dance International Film Festival 2015)

JPEG - 833.1 kio

Alyssa BIO sees the film as one way to inspire personal realizations and questions. She hopes that the film will encourage us to deeply explore and exchange in the dance and/or in discussions about Contact improvisation and what we each are currently exploring.
"Five Ways In" has been shown in anthropology and sociology conferences, film festivals, dance communities, and in homes internationally. Discussions, CI classes and CI JAMs have been held directly afterwards as possible ways to integrate the questions and ideas that have been stirred up or supported by the film viewing. Some groups have discussed CI & War, CI and Intentional Communities, CI Festival Cultures, Therapy, Education, Politics, and Spirtuality to name a few.

We are happy to be distributing it internationally. Please contact us if you would like to have a copy or to hold a screening. Subtitles available in : English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, and Chinese.

If you would like to share it with your family, friends, or CI community you can purchase a copy :
8 GB USB (usable as a normal USB stick) for 15 dollars.
This includes : the Film and subtitles, & suggestions for public film screenings. Copies available for purchase at the event or email her to buy a film transfer : infofivewaysin@gmail.com

Film Description :
Contact Improvisation first developed in the United States in the 1970s as a movement experiment that challenged dancers to respond instinctively to bodily collisions. Four decades later, the dance form continues to be investigated openly by people all over the world. This film follows the aspirations of five dancers as they navigate the joys and challenges of being with three hundred participants at the biggest Contact Improvisation festival in the world in the old German university town of Freiburg. Jashana, an American political activist and Raquel, a Brazilian volunteer at the festival, search for the political edge and community building potential of the form. Swedish biodynamic gardener, Johan and Israeli travelling teacher, Lior, share hopes for beautiful and challenging dances and new ways to teach the form. Camille from France had only recently discovered the form. He seeks the heart of Contact Improvision out of his comfort zone of salsa and sports in the pursuit of sensitivity and weight sharing. During a week where being part of a temporary community and the intimacy and physicality of the form can challenge even experienced dancers, will the Freiburg Festival deliver the inspiration and insights they seek ?


03. Alyssa

Alyssa Lynes (USA/Spain) was born in Boston and trained as a Jazz and contemporary dancer in Boston and New York. Alyssa is a dancer and teacher interested in how communication and creative expression play out in partner dance forms. She received a four year university degree (BA) in Contemporary dance and a Masters of Science in education (NYC).
Since an inspirational training with Nancy Stark Smith, Alyssa moved to Europe (2010) and explores human expression through her choreography and performance work, in co-directing the film on CI ("Five Ways In"), and in her international CI teaching (Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland, France, Israel, the US, & India. She is excited to come to Montreal where she will screen both the film that she enjoys sharing to further questioning and CI research as well as her playful ways to enter in to the CI dance through explorations of ’fundamentals’ and creative improvisational play.

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Qu’est-ce que la danse contact improvisation ?

Une invitation au lâcher-prise dans un havre de paix. Danser, expérimenter les lois de la gravité, du momentum et de l’équilibre, voilà le contact improvisation.

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