(Canceled due to lack of participants)
Dear community,

The class committee in collaboration with the CA are pleased to offer you virtual classes taught by ACI teachers. You will find warm-ups, related techniques and guided improvisations. Teachers have adapted materials associated with the CI in order to practice it at home.
All levels of experience are welcome.
Photos: Amandine Rovetta @Gary Klurtz @Singh Sameer
To participate in the Zoom class click: HERE
*Suggested donation by class 5$: HERE
or by transfer-Interac to comptable@contactimpro.org (answer: dance)

June 7: Ariane Bernier (guest teacher).
Versatile Spiral - Support, Trust, Connect

Tracing, sliding, rolling / a dance with your couch
(I invite you to explore possibilities of suspension, of surfaces and muscle tone in relation to the point of contact)

June 17: Ariane Bernier (guest teacher).
Breaking the patterns – space as a playground

Motivation and motion / exploring movements with a chair
(choose a solid and clean chair, without armrests)

June 28: Leyla Demir
Moving in relationship with our environment
(Experience a deep relational exchange through movement but does not require touch with other dancers)
Professors’ bio: HERE
Biography of Ariane: Dancer, performance artist and teacher originally from Canada. She earned a Bachelor degree in dance from l’Universite du Québec in Montréal and has worked as a freelancer for dance companies in New York City and collaborated on installations, site specifics projects, dance films and publicities with artists of various fields.
Her way of approaching movement is greatly influenced by her curiosity and ongoing studies of contact improvisation, modern dance techniques, urban dances, somatic practices and yoga. She has been teaching dance, yoga and contact improvisation workshops, classes and conducting retreats in academies, festivals & universities, internationally.
If you have the possibility, we invite you to make a donation per class or for a set of classes, according to your means. Profits will be divided as follows: 60% for teachers who have taught these virtual classes, and 40% to help the ACI’s deficit situation. The fundraiser will be open for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis : HERE
Extra information: Facebook
Until then, take good care of yourself and thank you very much for your participation.