FOUNDERS : Yves Léger, Stéphanie Gaudreau,
François Chevalier, Loïs Darie, Kim Farley, Pierre Mathieu et Joël Muzard.
We invite you to watch stock of ACI ACHIEVEMENTS 2000-2016…(french version)

The Association of Contact Improvisation (ACI), officially announced its formation officiellement the August 2, 2002.
As a nonprofit organization regrouping local and international dancers, the ACI will provide an organized body to support, promote and encourage the development of this unique style of dance.
While the ACI supports a dance form, the contact improvisation community consists of people who hold in common certain key values and gather to dance in the spirit of these principles.
By creating an association, the ACI aims to uphold the following principles as part of an ongoing community-oriented initiative:
– Love of dance.
– Presence, sensitivity and an ability to listen, both to oneself and others.
– A community-oriented lifestyle.
– Uncompromising integrity.
– Respect for all individuals.
– Openness and honesty in our actions, behaviors and responsibilities.
– Global vision in order to understand and appreciate other communities and individuals.
– The inclusion of volunteers in the organization of all activities.
The ACI’s first General Assembly was held on January 19, 2003 at Studio 303,
372 Ste-Catherine St. W, where its board members were elected and committees established.
We also thank all those who, before us, have greatly contributed to the development of CI in Montreal. The contact improvisation in Quebec was brought and developed in 1977 by Dena Davida. Not to mention Andrew Harwood Professor of International and renowned artists and pedagogues also very important in the 80 ’which Gurney Bolster, Carol Harwood, Daniel Godbout with underwater CI company (H3O), Michaël Hébert for the establishment of the annual Jam Mtl 1989 ’to 2000’ and Louis Guillemette.