Past Activities 2018

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
The Sundays: Registrations at 10:30
Class from 10:45 am to noon
372, Ste-Catherine West, metro Place-des-Arts
Cost : $15/ classe or $40/ serie of 3 classes (jam included)
More infos :
Saturday December 15th 2018
from 3 at 6 pm.
Studio Lucie Grégoire
4416 Boul St-Laurent, Montréal, QC H2W 1Z5 (metro Mt Royal)
Cost : 10$ / Theory at 2 pm. Contact us.
More infos :
You are invited to participate in the "Evening-performance” of the Montreal Annual Jam on Saturday November 24th at Circuit-Est!
November 24th and 25th 2018
Circuit-Est - Centre Chorégraphique
2022 Sherbrooke East street
More infos :
We have a barter system - your work in exchange
for the annual jam registration, in part or in full.
From Monday 19th to Friday 23rd November 2018
Informations :
Wednesday 27th and 28th of October from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
2494, rue de l’Église, VAL-DAVID (Laurentians)
Saturday, October 20th 2018
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Townships.
Friday, August 31 to Sunday, September 2,
Danse Orée des Bois, in the Eastern Townships.
The Sundays: Registrations at 10:30
Class from 10:45 am to noon
Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM
840 Cherrier street, local 4110, metro Sherbrooke
Cost : $15/ classe or $40/ serie of 3 classes (jam included)
More infos :
Friday to Sunday June, 22-24
Danse Oree des Bois, Eastern Township.
Saturdays March 31, April 14 and 21 and May 26 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Dance Orée des Bois, in the Eastern Townships.
Saturday 5, 12, 19 and 26 May 2018 from 1pm to 4pm
Studio White Wall
4532 Avenue Laval, Montreal (near the metro Mt Royal.)
Saturday January 6th, February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th and May 19th 2018
5445 RUE DE GASPE (Metro Laurier)
Theory at 2pm.
from 3pm to 6pm.
Cost : 10$
More d’infos:
Wednesday, January 24 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Maurice-Monty Pavilion (presbytery)
2494, rue de l’Église, VAL-DAVID (Laurentides)