Past Activities 2016

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
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Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
The Sundays from 10:30 -12 pm
Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM
840 Cherrier street, local 4110, metro Sherbrooke
Cost : $15/ classe or $40/ serie of 3 classes (jam included)
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Saturday 24 september, 22 october, 19 november and 17 décember.
3 at 6pm. Theory at 2:15pm
Dance Pavilion of the UQAM
840 Cherrier Street, Room 4110, Sherbrooke Metro, Mtl.
Cost : 10$
More d’infos:
Samedi 10 décembre 2016 de 9h30 à 16h30
Le Studio Libre à la ville de QUÉBEC
Coût : 70$ avant le 30 novembre
From 21 to 25 november / 6:30pm to 9:30
at Jonah’s studio, 4532 Laval (corner avenue Mt-Royal)
November 26 and 27, 2016
Circuit-Est - Centre Chorégraphique
2022 Sherbrooke East street
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You are invited to participate in the "Evening-performance” of the Montreal Annual Jam on Saturday November, 26th at Circuit-Est!
5 to 26 october 2016, 7 to 9:15 PM
At Studio D, 5445 de Gaspe, suite 325, Montreal (metro Laurier).
The Thursday 8, 15, 22 et 29 de 7pm to 9pm.
At Studio La Poele, 5333, rue Casgrain, #307
Saturday & Sunday September 3-4
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.
Every Saturday from 2 July to 27 August from 14:00 to 17:00
La Poêle, 5333 Casgrain, studio 307, Montréal
July 18 to August 15, 2016, Series of 5 Monday, 7 to 9 PM
At the UQAM dance department, 840 Cherrier,
studio k-3220, metro Sherbrooke.
Sunday evening to Friday PM, August 7-12. Followed by a weekend CI Jam (7 full days)
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.
Friday August 5 at 5pm to Sunday August 7 at 2pm
Domaine du Lac Seize, in Chertsey, Lanaudiere (1:15 hour from Montreal).
Saturday & Sunday July 9-10,
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.
the Sundays from 10:30 -12 pm
Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM
840 Cherrier street, local 4110, metro Sherbrooke
Cost : $15/ classe or $40/ serie of 3 classes (jam included)
More infos :
Les dimanches de 10h @ midi
Au Loco Local 193-A avenue de Grand-Pré à Bonaventure.
Saturday & Sunday June 18-19, facilitated by Stéphanie & Sarah
Danse Orée des Bois, Eastern Township.
Dimanche 1, 15 et 29 mai de 12:00 - 14:00
Le Studio Libre, 247 Saint-Vallier Est, Québec G1K 3P4
Coût : 10$
Les samedis 16 janvier, 27 février, relâche en mars, 9 avril et 28 mai
de 15h à 18h
Pavillon de danse de l’UQAM
840 Rue Cherrier (local 4110) métro Sherbrooke
Coût : 10$
Plus d’infos :
Saturday and Sunday 14, 15 may from 12pm to 5pm
Studio White Wall,
4532 Avenue Laval (& Mt Royal), Montréal
A 12 hour workshop intensive. - 90$
Monday, May 2 to Friday, May 6 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine West street (3rd floor)
Cost : 75$
Thursday 28 april from 18:30 - 21:30
Come on time! Limited amount of spots! Door closes 6.45.
White Wall Studio Montreal
4532 Laval, Montreal, Quebec H2T 2B2
Cost: 10$
SAMEDI 23 avril 2016
Studio Libre, ville de QUÉBEC
Jan. 18-22, 2016 • 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
at Studio 303 au 372 Ste Catherine West, Montréal.