Past Activities 2010

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
Holiday Jam with Phillip Shinnick
When: Saturday, December 11th - 1:30 to 3:30 PM
Where: Belgo Building - Large Yoga Studio, first floor
Cost: $4.00
Holiday Jam, Saturday December 11th at the Belgo. Come to see Philip Shinnick from 1:30 to 3:30 PM in the large Yoga studio, at the 1st floor.
For those who want a class, Phil will use half the large room to teach the 1st hour, and let the other half for a non-directed jam.
Then people will all jam together the 2nd hour, using the (…)
Dates and Color Themes: Trilogy of Colors
This year Nicoletta Dolce & Valerie Sabbah would like to invite you to Trilogy of Colors, a New ACI Series of Jam-Performance Evenings!
Each evening will be dedicated to one color and, together, we will create a surprising collaborative evening of color. Jammers are encouraged to wear the color, dance the color, be the color!
Saturday May 8th, 2010
Time: 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Location: Centre Kinesphère, 1565 (…)
ACI presents 3 thematic series in CONTACT IMPROVISATION
Fall 2010, from September 12 to December 5
Sundays 10:30 am to 11:30 am
at Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine W, 3rd Floor, PDA metro.
It’s a great opportunity to have a wonderful warm up and to learn more about CI before practicing jams. All levels are welcome…
1. Space
September 12 to October 3, with Catherine Lessard
An inside-out container that we will meet and fill with a state of presence conducive to touch and (…)
REGULAR CLASSES AND WORKSHOP- FALL 2010 1- CI classes - Thursday evening from September 30 to November 25
2- ’The Human Supports’ - advanced level on Tatami mats 3- Intensive workshop of instanteneous composition and contact improvisation from November 26 to 28
1- Contact Improvisation and Dance Improvisation, with Catherine Lessard
Fall 2010 Session
’The Contact Weave’
Class & Focused Jam in Contact Improvisation - regular training for all levels (…)
Perform by Patricia Kuypers, Andrew L. Harwood, Catherine Lessard, Moti Mark Zemelman and the musician Charles Van Goïtsenhoven.
For the 28 th Montreal Contact Improvisation Festival, ACI is hosting Patricia Kuypers from Belgium !!
’Finding Organic Supports in a Duet’ Contact improvisation workshop with Patricia Kuypers (Belgium)
* November 1 - 4, 7 - 10 p.m., * at UQAM, 840 Cherrier St. East (room K-S1210), Sherbrooke metro MAP * $ 115 ($ 100 before October 1 - $ 90 students / unemployed), * Info: 514-518-6240 * Payable and send to: ACI, 873 Léonard St., Ste-Thérèse, (…)
A new proposal from the ACI : the last Sunday of each month a professional musician is invited to join its sounds to our improvisations. This invitation to dance with improvised music awakes our desires for artistic collaborations, gives new colors to our dances, and helps us to experiment contact between sounds and movements in order to create unexpected openings within the framework of our weekly Jam .
This Fall… Down and Up
Contact Improvisation classes with Philip Shinnick;
Four Saturdays: September 18th and 25th, October 2nd and 23rd;
1:30 to 3:30 PM;
At the yoga studio, first floor of the Belgo buiding;
Sliding scale, $40-$50 for the four classes
If you want more info or to register:
"Philip Shinnick"
Teachers: Andrew de L. Harwood & Benno Voorham (Sweden)
Dates: Sept 27 – Oct 8 (10 days) • Mon-Fri, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Location: Studio 303
Cost: $150 (Emploi-Québec)
For the complete information : [> Contact Improvisation will be the common ground enabling us to continue deepening our skills into a rich kinaesthetic dialogue with others. By (…)
June 2010, The collective Quel autre ? and ACI presented the show EnCorps. Blooming out of an initiative by Nicoletta Dolce (Co-founder of the collective Quel Autre?), the project EnCorps hosts five dancers and artists : Louis Guillemette, Catherine Lessard, Ricardo Olivares, Isaac Savoie and Nicoletta Dolce.
The show features six works inspired by the principles of several approaches (classical, contemporary, contact improvisation, Thai, physical theatre). Based on a series of (…)
Benoît Dhennin gonna start a video and dance laboratory this wednesday !
When ? each wednesdays of this Summer at 7:00 PM till 9:30 PM This until the 8th of August.
Where ? At the studio Kinesphère on 1565 Mont-Royal East.
Benoît began the dance around the same time as the video, 10 years ago. Since, the contribution of the body in my work of video does not stop increasing.
He wish today to share this experience within a video laboratory and (…)
Come dance, swim, sauna, walk in nature and sing in Sutton, QC
at Auberge du Renouveau.
check out the gorgeous place!!!
It will be friday to sunday this year from july 23-25.
Cost $65 for the whole weekend !
Meals will be pot-luck …
To register contact :
Marilyn Bronstein at
or just send in your registration to marilyn at 12 Dufferin RD, Mtl. Qc. H3X 2X6, include your name , phone email and your cheque.
Also let me know if you (…)
Workshop in the Country: Biodanza and Contact Improvisation
For all levels
July 9-10-11, 2010.
Arrival Friday 10:00 am, end Sunday 5:00 pm
At Le Foyer Rond, 400 ch. Gearges Bonnallie, Eastman (Eastern Tounships)
Description: Catherine Lessard and Maira Martineza propose a 3 days retreat in the country, to express our organic movement, to fing the simple plaesure of embodying our lifes and opening our hearts.
$200 before May 15, $235 before June 15, $270 thereafter (add $150 + (…)
A theme each month given by the same teacher
Pre-jam contact impro classes will recommence :
– January 10, 2010
– from 10:30 am to 11:30 am
– At studio 303
During 2009, the regular teachers will be : Catherine Lessard, Eryn Dace Trudell, Stéphanie Gaudreau, Nina Galea and Anthea Brown.
Location : Studio 303 372, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, 3e étage, Montréal (Québec) Metro Place-des-Arts (sortie Bleury sud) / autobus 15, 80 et 129
’Here and Now’ : Workshop in Instant Composition (and CI) - for all levels - week-end May 21 to 23, 2010:
Friday 6:30-9:00 pm, Saturday 11:00 am-5:00 pm (lunch break) and Sunday 2:30-5:00 pm
Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine West st, 3rd floor (PDA metro)
Description: a 3 days intensive to create in the present and in presence, to be readable and read, to allow the emergence of an authentic motion in contact, solo or group, to make choices and express clear (…)
At Montréal, thirty CI dancers gathered and connected to those cities :
Boulder, Colorado (USA), New York City (USA), Montreal (Canada), Connecticut College, Connecticut (USA), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Montevideo (Uruguay), Bristol (UK), London (UK), Latillé, Poitiers (France), Ibiza (Spain), Paris (France), Mallorqua (Spain), Bruxelles (Belgium), Marseille (France), Freiburg (Germany), Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen (Germany), Perth (Western Australian), Seoul (Korea), Melbourne (Australia), (…)
HEALS OVER HEAD Teacher: Anthea Browne Dates: June 7-11 (5 days) • Mon-Fri, 9:30am to 12:30pm Site: Studio 303 Cost: $75 Open to all dancers and circus artists.
Face the fear of turning upside down with games and exercises designed to raise your comfort level with inversion, and to give new understanding to its mechanics. We’ll use techniques from both yoga and dance to create more stability and safety. Develop your skills and confidence in a safe, nurturing space, and let go (…)
The collective Quel autre ? and ACI presente the show EnCorps.
Blooming out of an initiative by Nicoletta Dolce (Co-founder of the collective Quel Autre?), the project EnCorps hosts five dancers and artists.
Louis Guillemette, Catherine Lessard, Ricardo Olivares, Isaac Savoie and Nicoletta Dolce believe fundamentally in both the hybridity of genres as well as in meeting at the heart of their differences.
The show features six works inspired by the principles of several approaches (…)
The Red House Collective presents Endless Childhood/Winter Blossoms: An Interactive Improv Night.
Combining a score of 15 musicians, 30 dancers and 20 painters, the event invites the spectators to integrate the music, dancing or painting; the performers are there to assure a cohesive structure to a multi-disciplinary improvisation. Based on the idea of concentric circles, there will be a shrine (installation art) in the center sur…rounded by 1) musicians, 2) (…)
For people interested in an Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) approach to Contact Improvisation
Evening workshop March 28 to March 31
Sunday to Wednesday 7-10pm
Presented by Association of Contact Improvisation
In this workshop we will study Contact Improvisation (CI) using the pincipals of Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT). We will explore multi-directional and multi-dimensional alignment, suppleness, suspension, economy and autonomy. Bringing this practice to CI expands our (…)
A Glimpse of ’Contact Utopia’, with Lilly Picts (from UK) Only one evening in Montreal ! Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 Class 6:30-8:30 pm, Focused Jam 8:30-10:00 pm At Circuit Est, Espace St-André, studio B 1881 St-André street, #100 Street entrance nap : 1-5-4 (rest hardly then to turn on the right) Studio and cloakroom nap : 25-1 (support 2 and 5 in the same time and then 1) 20$/evening, 5$/jam Information & registration: or 514-518-6240 (Catherine) How can (…)
February 19 to 21, 2010.
Fleur d’Asphalte, Studio de danse et création, 6847 Saint Hubert Friday 7-10pm, Saturday 10 am -5pm, Sunday 1-5pm
Call 514-529-6635 for more information and registration.
Cost $120
We will use Skinner Releasing Technique ™ (SRT) to enhance our Contact Improvisation and apply it to set structures (harnessing) for improvisation or compositional creation. SRT is a dance training methodology combining technique with creative process, which is greatly (…)
Les 5 et 6 février 2010
Responsable : Pierre Mathieu (
Information in FACEBOOK :
Pour des photos ou le chemin pour s’y rendre : Auberge du renouveau
Teachers: Paula Zacharis & Andrew de L. Harwood (Argentina, Canada)
Dates: Jan 25-29 (5 days) • Mon-Tues, 9am to 12:30pm & Wed-Fri, 9am to 1:30pm
Location : Studio 303
Cost: $100 (Emploi-Québec)
This workshop-project is oriented towards experienced dancers, performers and creators and is designed to stimulate the imagination, cultivate a strong creative eye and extend that experience into other fields of perception thus developing a fuller dancing body and a deeper (…)
Thai yoga massage and Clearheart bodywork : deep tissue, stretching and acupressure Anthea Brown - 514 686-1850 - Aqua-therapy with Joel Muzard
tel : 514-684-9574
Info at :
Give yourself well being for the mind and the body..:) Je transfère sur CD vos cassettes et vos disques vinyles 33-tours préférés, avec possibilité de montage. . Jacques (514) 528-1572 Massage Chinois, Suédois, Sportif, (au (…)
Saturday and Sunday January 16th and 17th, 2010
10 am to 5 pm - Cost: $120
Studio Fleur d’Asphalte 6847 St-Hubert street, Montréal
Information : Tel†: 514-529-6635 In this workshop we will combine various approaches to body work (manipulations, Tai massage techniques and alignment work) with the duet dance form known as contact Improvisation. The body work will help open and repattern the body and help cultivate economy, efficiency and freedom of movement. (…)
Un spectacle incluant : Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood, Marc Boivin et Chris Aiken
avec la musicienne-compositrice Diane Labrosse
Dans l’Édifice Jean-Pierre Perreault
2022 Sherbrooke Est (coin De Lorimier),
Montréal, Québec
Don suggéré: 10$
Le groupe Discovery Bal, mettant en vedette les virtuoses de la danse improvisée Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood, Marc Boivin et Chris Aiken, ainsi que la musicienne-compositrice invitée Diana Labrosse (…)