Past Activities 2009

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
Back to the slow dance - re-invent
Saturday evening December 12, the workshop begins at 8:15 pm for 75 minutes with Marilyn Bronstein and Philip Belove.
Studio: 7250 Clark, 3ième étage, studio C; ( métro DeCastelnau)
December 12th & 13th - 1pm - 4pm
Kira Kirsch (Berlin/San Francisco) teaches a workshop ’DEGREES of FREEDOM’ bridging the axis syllabus and contact improvisation
Studio : Circuit-Est (1881 St Andre),
Tuesday December 15th to Saturday 19th - 9h30 - 12h30
Frey Faust (EU/US), the originator of the Axis Syllabus (…)
’Contact Freedom’: Contact Improv Workshop on Tatami mats!
December 12-13, 2009, noon-5:00pm
Dojo Shoshin Aikido Montreal, 5445 ave de Gaspé, #208
Still a few places available.
Description: "The tatami mat is a perfect tool for practicing Contact Improvisation. It’s is a cushioned floor used in the practice of martial arts, especially Aikido. It allows us to take risks, to come to terms with rebound, and to augment suspension. In this workshop, we will search ease into the invisible (…)
Friday Dec. 11 from 7:30 to 9pm
Saturday Dec. 12 from 2 to 4pm
The Friday class will be followed by a down-beat, free-form dance party, if you want to practice your new skills, or just shake into the weekend on a big, beautiful dance floor.
Where? Downtown, at La Baraque, 928 Ste Catherine Est (at St. André). (
Cheap! Six (6) to sixteen (16) dollars (you choose) for each class; ten (10) to twenty (20) dollars for the class & party on Friday.
You can come to (…)
Dates: Dec 7-11 (5 days) * Mon-Fri, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Location: Studio 303
Cost: $75 Through various improvisation techniques, this class aims to generate spontaneous movements in solos, duos or groups. We will try to create a link between partnering work (contact improv.) and improvisation work (solo/group). This work is a continuous artistic development process, which will improve interpretation, creation and composition skills. A basic training in improvisation is essential and a (…)
Contact improvisation classes:
Tuesday evenings on the following dates: 13 and October 27 3, 10, 17 and November 24
From 08:00pm to 10:00pm
With Isaac Savoy and Philip Shinnick
$ 10 per class
In the studio La Friche located in the Belgo Building Local 308 372 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest (near the local 303)
1. Contact Improvisation: the kinaesthetic dialogue
November 2 to 5, 2009
7:00-10:00 pm
Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique, Peter-Boneham studio
Jean-Pierre-Perreault building, 2022 Sherbrooke East street
Registration: $110 before October 1st / $125 after that date
Make out and send to: ACI, 873 Léonard, Ste-Thérèse, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada
Information:, 514-518-6240
2. Movement Improvisation and the Art of Presence
November 9 to 13, 9:30-12:30 am (…)
’Transatlantic Misunderstandings’ and ’Fruit & Harvest’
with Benno Voorham, Andrew Harwood, Eryn Dace Trudell, David Flewelling, Stéphanie Gaudreau, Robert H. Schweitzer and Catherine Lessard
Friday November 6, 2009
2 shows: 7:00 and 9:00 pm
Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine West st, PDA metro station
the map
$15($12 VIP)
Reservations :, 514-393-3771 The performance evening from the Jam’s participants
Saturday November 7, 2009
Circuit-Est centre (…)
DANSONS NOS SENS TOUTES LES MOBILITÉS, TOUS LES ÂGES ET TOUS LES HANDICAPS BIENVENUS Les Samedis : 3, 10 et 17 OCTOBRE de 14h 30 à 18h30 animé par Talía Leos, pédagogue, danseuse et chorégraphe spécialisée en danse et handicap Mouvement, sensations, créativité et partage dans un entourage mixte et original où la danse est accessible à toutes et à tous. Une fusion des repères fonctionnels du corps-esprit, mettant en valeur la capacité de tout être (…)
’Building your Contact Weave’
October 3-4, 9:00am-4:00pm
At ’Centre des Arts de la Scène Jean-Besré’, 250 rue du Dépôt, room 302
Only 55$
Registrations / information: 819-563-2744, formation@cultureestrie.or
Journées de la Culture Sept 25-27, 2009
Three Mama dances events will be held during the weekend.
Saturday September 26 (11am to 1pm): Mama Dances Performance and Workshop at La Place des festivals as part of an interdisciplinary event, featuring Mama dances class participants along with the pros… a special performance by my colleagues from PIE specializing in Contact Improvisation: Catherine Lessard and Stephanie Gaudreau, dancing with their children Thalys and Johan … and maybe Yoko (…)
For the activity ’Les journées de la culture’ of the city of Montreal,
The Sunday class and the jam will be free
there is a public practice dance of the Group PIE at 2:15pm to 4:00 pm
Everyone is invited to this special day!
August 31st to September 18th from 17h30 to 19h00
Contents of the workshops: week 1: to fall without fear week 2: from 0° to 100° of pressure week 3: articulation, mobility, space
Through various improvisation techniques, this class aims to generate spontaneous movements in solos, duos or groups.
For information : Courriel ( )
More information on the web site of Fleur d’asphalte :
Beginner: 07:00pm - 08:15pm, Friday August 7, 14 and 21
Intermédiate: 08:30pm - 09:45pm, Friday August 7, 14, and 21
At Espace OSupa, 185 Van Horne, #3 (corner avenue de l’Esplanade).
Classes will be composed of technical exercices of modern dancing, Samba de Rio de Janeiro, Samba Reggae and dance afro-brazilian of Bahia, and Afoxe.
$12 each class or $30 for three classes.
For information: (514) 220-5301
Workshop :
Dance Contact Improvisation - Scores - Skinner ReleasingTM - AlexanderTM Techniques
With David Flewelling - Stéphanie Gaudreau - Catherine Lessard - Robert H. Schweitzer - Eryn Dace Trudell
Complete information on the web site of the festival :
Email : or by phone to 514-934-5972
Registration before July 27: $75
to Robert H. Schweitzer, 2405 Ryde, Montreal, Qc, H3K 1R5, Canada
Cost (…)
Come dance, swim, sauna, walk in nature, sing in Sutton, QC
at Auberge du Renouveau.
check out the gorgeous place!!!
It will be friday to sunday this year from july 24-26.
Cost $65 for the whole weekend!
Meals will be pot-luck.
To register contact :
Marilyn Bronstein at
or just send in your registration to marilyn at 12 Dufferin RD, Mtl. Qc. H3X 2X6, include your name , phone email and your cheque.
Also let me know if you can (…)
Avec Maira Martinez et Catherine Lessard
Une retraite de 3 jours, en campagne, pour retrouver le plaisir du mouvement organique, le plaisir simple d’habiter son corps et d’ouvrir son coeur.
17-18-19 juillet 2009 au Foyer Rond - 400 ch. G. Bonnallie, Eastman, Qc
Arrivée le 17 juillet à 17h Cercle d’ouverture et 1er repas à 17h30
envoyer 75$ de dépôt à Maira Martinez, 5359 rue Waverly, Montreal, Qc, H2T 2X8
Information:, 514-274-0474 ou (…)
Du 3 au 6 juillet
dans une maison magnifique dans la région de Québec Venez vivre une expérience au pays du mouvement et de la fluidité. En mariant yoga et danse contact impro (CI), nos corps et notre être tout entier est appelé au laisser-aller, à l’exploration de l’espace, de soi et de l’autre. Le contact impro consiste à jouer avec le momentum et l’échange de poids et le laisser-aller. Martin & David tissent les liens déjà bien présents entre les deux approches afin de créer (…)
Classes and jam will resume this fall - September 26 2009
Contact worskhop on tatami will come back this fall. 1- Contact Improvisation Dance ------ FOCUS JAM 2- Contact Improvisation on Tatami ------- 3- One on one private lessons 4- Authentic Mouvement
1. Foundation and Discovery in Contact
Weekly classes in Contact Improvisation - Open to all
at studio Fleur d’Asphalte, 6847 St-Hubert (metro Jean-Talon)
Contact improvisation is a physical conversation in almost (…)
Parmi les activités durant la journée de la lenteur le 21 juin :
Contact improvisation au Parc Lafontaine à 15h30
Rendez-vous près de la statue de Félix Leclerc. Il y aura un atelier d’intoduction au contact et un jam guidé avec Catherine Lessard.
12-13-14 juin 2009
avec Catherine Lessard (Montréal)
Stage de Contact Improvisation et Mouvement Authentique Studio pro de la Rotonde 336, rue du Roi, 2è étage Québec, Qc
Vendredi : Exploration en Mouvement Authentique, 18h-21h
Samedi/Dimanche : Construire et Explorer la Trame Contact 9h-12h et 13h-16h, jam en fin de stage Trois jours d’atelier pour enrichir notre connaissance de la trame organique qui relie les principes du Contact Improvisation entre eux. Un ’’jeu d’enfant’’ qui (…)
The corpuscule danse group presents:
June 5-6, 2009
A dance performance integrated : contemporary dance and contact composed of people with and without disabilities, including among others Amandine and Youri.
A l’Atelier
840 rue cherrier, 1er étage (Montréal)
Tickets: 514 525-1500
sale at the door the night of show
More information:
The last class of the season is May 30, 2009.
There is no class this summer and will resume this fall.
The classes of the Sunday morning given by many teachers of Montreal will begin :
January 11, 2009
from 10:30 am to 11:30 am
The cost is 10$ including the entrance for the jam
The classe is followed by the Sunday jam.
Location : Studio 303 372, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, 3e étage, Montréal (Québec) Métro Place-des-Arts (sortie Bleury sud) / autobus 15, 80 et 129
Performances of contact improvisation dance
Produced by the PIE dance of Montreal
Eryn Dace Trudell - Stéphanie Gaudreau - Catherine Lessard - David Flewelling - Robert H. Schweitzer
Saturday May 16, 2009 - 8:00pm
Sunday May 17 2009 - 4:00pm
Studio 303 - 372 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, metro Place des arts
12 $ (10$ VIP)
For information : PIE -
Back by popular demand, in expanded format! Face the fear of turning upside down with games and exercises designed to raise your comfort level with inversion, and to give new understanding to its mechanics. Develop your skills and confidence in a safe, nurturing space, and let go of upright expectations, for new joy and freedom in your contact dances. Suitable for all levels of experience.
Saturdays March 21, April 18 and May 16
1:00 - 4:00pm
Studio Fleur d’Asphalte (…)
An evening of contact improvisation performance following by a jam.
Theme: STATES OF THE SPIRIT Saturday May 2 2009 from 8:00pm to 11:00pm
For the performances, it is requested that performers integrate costumes and objects to nourish their performances. Location Centre Kinesphère 1565, ave Mont-Royal Est Metro Mont-Royal voir la carte Door fee : 8.00 $
If you want do to a performance, please contact Valérie or Nicoletta at
This course is given by Phil Shinnick and Irina Rusu
’To follow an Arc’
Contact Improv course offered by two instructors with an emphasis on visualisation and partnership between dancers.
On mondays evening from February 9 to April 27 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Fees : 10 $
At studio Fleur d’Asphalte, 6847 St-Hubert (métro Jean-Talon)
For information, please contact Irina (
Performance Benefit Night - with Valérie Sabbah and Mika Lior
Come help us bring our mission to fruition fir our new community creation space in Le Plateau!
Ashtanga Yoga Montreal - 372 St. Catherine Ouest #118 - Metro Place Des Arts
doors 19:00 - performances 20:00 - DJ Dance Spree 21:30-23:30
Admission-Donation $10-$20
Information: -
Mika Lior & Valerie Sabbah -
Contact Lenses
Eight gazes for re-envisioning your dance with Mark Moti Zemelman
April 4-5 : Sat 10am to 5pm & Sun 2:30pm to 6pm
$70 (VIP) / $80 (reg) (both days) Drop ins are welcome
Studio 303 : Address : 372 Ste-Catherine West, Montreal QC, H3B1A2
Phone number : 514.393.3771
E-Mail :
Eye “Contact” is part of any dance. Direct eye contact, peripheral vision, closed eyes, blurry vision, how does it affect our dances? Using a combination of seeing and (…)
Intensive courses with Andrew Harwood
From March 9 to March 20, 2009
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
At studio fleur d’asphalte
Web site :
COME and DANCE in St-Damien (Lanaudière)
MARCH 13-14-15 2009
[For the complete information and reservation :
Great Chalet on the Mountain top
32 places + Teepee
Jacuzzi, showers, music…
Bring sleeping bag/towel /dance clothes
POTLUCK (bring 2 meals for 4 or 1 one for 8)
Breakfast is provided !!!
Guided warm-ups every day
Getting there /ride sharing possible
Those who have a car or who are looking for a ride can leave a message (…)
Freeing the space behind
Saturday, March 14th, 2009.
Important notice, new schedule: noon to 6:00 pm (snack break, bring a healthy bite)
Intermediate/advanced group
On a tatami mat (Aikido paded floor)
Dojo Shoshin Aikido Montreal, 5445 de Gaspé, #208, Laurier metro station
A part of our kinesphere is almost constantly unaccessible to our eyes. In this area, surrender to weight transfer can generate fears and tensions. We will explore how to embody this invisible space, and how (…)
Embodying your ci body
SATURDAYS : January 17 - March 28 from 12h-14h
Wake up saturday morning with a somatic body systems approach to contact improvisation
At Centre Kinesphere
1565 avenue Mont-Royal Est (Fabre et Marquette)
For information : 514-382-2549 -
In this class we will explore contact improvisation through a somatic lens of anatomical and physiological body systems (fluids, muscles, bones, organs). Each class will begin with a somatic (…)
Repas gastronomique agrémenté de performances artistiques : danse contact impro, oeuvres d’arts, musique et chant
Samedi le 7 février 2009 à 18:00
À la boîte Gourmande - 445 Laurier E
Information et réservation : Mandana (514-805-8421) ou
An evening of contact improvisation performance following by a jam.
Theme: STATE OF THE EARTH Saturday February 21 2009 from 8:00pm to 11:30pm Location Studio Pigeons International 6355 av du Parc, Montréal Metro Parc or Bus 80 the map Door fee : 8.00 $
If you want do to a performance, please contact Valérie ( or Nicoletta (
Freeing the contact mind
February 20 and 21, 2009 Friday from 7-10pm Saturday from 10am - 5:30 pm (lunch)
Neige Christenson is an improvisational dancer, performer, author, teacher, therapist and mother. She has an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley University, and is a grateful graduate of the School for The Work. Inquiry has changed her life. Location Studio Pigeons International 6355 av du Parc, Montréal Métro Parc ou autobus 80 map workshop 55 $ Friday evening 20$ (…)