Past Activities 2008

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
November 29th and December 13th 2008 from 13h00 to 17h30
Take Root to Fly
Find new understanding and efficiency in organizing your limbs to lift effortlessly.
Head Over Heels
Face the fear of turning upside down with games and exercises designed to raise your comfort level with inversion, and to give new understanding to its mechanics.
For information : at studio fleur d’asphalte DANCING ANATOMY WITH ROSY SIMAS
December 1-5 , 2008 Monday - Friday (…)
Since December 16, 2008, the tuesday jam is canceled.
Every tuesday JAM : 7h00-09h30 Cost :4$
AT STUDIO 4460 Chambord avenue Mont-Royal and rue Chambord
For information : by email at Rosy Simas
Saturday December 6 : A whole day workshop in Contact-Improvisation, on a tatami mat
The theme will be "tone variations and gravity".
Gravity is a fundamental force governing the universe. We will explore how we can use and defy gravity, without colliding with the earth.
Dojo Shoshin Aikido Montréal, 5445 ave de Gaspé, #208, metro Laurier
Noon to 9:00 pm (meal break around 4 pm)
$50 ($200 for 5 workshops)
Groups will be limited to 15 participants.
For information : Catherine (…)
Wake up saturday morning with a somatic body systems approach to contact improvisation
In this class we will explore contact improvisation through a somatic lens of anatomical and physiological body systems (fluids, muscles, bones, organs). Each class will begin with a somatic exploration/warm up, move to contact skills and end with open dancing.
Saturdays: November 22, 29, December 6, 13 & 20, 2008
Le Chambord Studio: 4460 Chambord (coin mont-royal)
60$ before november 8 / 75$ (…)
With Stéphanie Gaudreau, Catherine Lessard and David Flewelling
TWO SHOWINGS Friday November 7 2008 at 7pm and 9pm
Price : 12$ (10$ reduced price)
Limited seatings
Reserve at : 514 393-3771
These show are associated with the Montreal Annual contact jam
At studio 303 372 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Place des arts metro voir la carte
November 3-6 2008, 7 to 10:15 pm : Open to all
(Except wednesday Nov. 5, 4:45pm to 7pm) Location : Pigeons International 6355 avenue du Parc, at Beaubien view the map Coût :
115 $ 105 $ early registration before 3 October
Maximum 40 participants / Priority to those who come for all four days
A deposit of $50 is required to confirm your registration
Make cheques payable and mail to Association de Contact Improvisation 4552 avenue de l’Esplanade Montréal, Qc , H2T (…)
Friday October 3rd:
An exploration evening in Authentic Movement
Open to all
We will take the time to dive deeply into our subcounscious, and to let emerge our creativity and spontaneity. AM is an intuitive practice. It is an excellent complement to Contact Improv.
Fleur d’Asphalte studio, 6847 St-Hubert st, J.-Talon metro
8:00 to 10:30 pm
Saturday October 4th:
A whole day workshop in Contact-Improvisation, on a tatami
Intermediate-Advanced (…)
Week of the 15th to 19th of September from 17h30 to 19h30
Week of the 22nd to 26th of September from 17h30 to 19h30
Cost: 160$/2 weeks, 90$/week, 20$/class
At studio Fleur d’asphalte
What does it mean to be ready to dance at any time, with anyone, anywhere ? There are no set formulas, or specific manners to achieving this state of readiness. There is, however, an attitude and a state of body-mind that can be cultivated which can help bring us to that place of total (…)
Schedule : 7:30-11:00pm
At : Centre Kinesphere 1565 Mont-Royal Est (corner Fabre) near Metro Mont-Royal
To offer a Contact Improvisation performance, contact:
Valérie or Nicoletta
August Saturday 23 and Sunday 24
from 11 am to 4 pm
urban: relating or belonging to a city
meld: 1. to cause various things to combine or blend and become one thing or substance. 2. a combination or blend of various things
Let instincts and perceptions be the inspiration for exploring portions of space and letting our sense of place become the studio for creating. It is an improv workshop including much Ci in it.
we will hear, smell, taste, perceive, see, be seen, (…)
Thursday, August 21, 2008 7:00pm - 9:30pm
I thought some of you might enjoy coming to a silent jam. There will
be no talking or noise making (including music) from the time we enter
the studio until we leave the studio. ;-)
There will be a silent closing circle at 21h30. Le Chambord Studio 4460 Chambord (coin Mont-Royal)
Cost 4$
514-994-7679 -
AUGUST 11- 16 2008
Pie festival is for dancers and non-dancers who wish to deepen their research and their personal practice. You will have the opportunities to spend 6 days exploring techniques geared toward deepening your contact skills and your ability to create spontaneously.
Vous pouvez maintenant choisir un bloc de (…)
Retreat and personal development workshop in the country
August 1 - 3, 2008
With Maira Martinez and Catherine Lessard
At Domaine du Lac 16, at Chertsey, on route 125 (one hour from Montreal)
For info and registration:, 514-274-0474
Inspired by the natural beauty of our surroundings, rediscover the pleasure of organic movement, the simple joy of inhabiting our bodies. And, as if by magic, we leave this pleasure to rebuild the pathways of our humanity, toward our (…)
With camille Renarhd
sunday july 27 before the jam
from 10.30-11.30.
at studio 303
cost $ 6.
on "yes" and "NO" dealing
dance lab with Mark Moti Zemelman
with border issues and intimacy in your dance. saturday , july 26 from 2-5 pm cost $12 location Studio Fleur d’Asphalte 6847 rue Saint-Hubert Montréal, Québec H2S 2M7 Google map limit of 16 people To register : email marilyn
Come dance, swim, sauna, walk in nature, sing in Sutton, QC
JULY 19-20.
Arrive Saturday ( after 11:30) -
Will wind down 5:00 Sunday
Cost: $45 for the weekend $25 for Saturday or Sunday only ( no sleepover)
Meals will be potluck. Beds are 2-4 to a room in cabins and main house. Some double beds available. You must bring your own bedding.
For photos or directions: Auberge du renouveau
To register , send or give your cheque to Marilyn Bronstein 12 Dufferin Montreal (…)
This next July First, while a lot of city ramblers will be moving from a home to another, HOP dancers will also be moving, from place to place.
On the sidewalk of a neighborhood still to be determined, we will be part of this big moving-happening. The core idea goes like this : a body moves another one, over a short, medium or large distance. If a body is not beeing moved or is not moving another one, it stays in place, takes the pose, (…)
ENVOLS : original compositions by Catherine Lessard, with Benoît Guillemette and other musicians
To buy a CD, please contact:, 450-939-3007
Troy Roper will be in Montreal this coming June 7th and 8th to offer the Atlasprofilax correction. Information :
This correction has major repercussions on the posture, the alignment of the body and the (…)
Dance contact improvisation class
June 25 2008 from 6:30 pm to 10pm
Au studio 303
Martin Keogh has taught and performed contact improvisation for over twenty-eight years. For his contribution to the development of contact improvisation he is a Fulbright Senior Specialist and listed in Who’s Who in the World. He has co-facilitated Teacher’s Conferences on four continents. Keogh is the author of, The Art of Waiting, and As Much Time as it Takes. More info at: (…)
Every Wednesday 7:30 to 9 pm: class (studio D) 9 to 10:15 pm: focused-jam (studio C)
classes take place at Studio Bizz : 551 av. Mont-Royal E (3rd floor)
Registration :, 514-518-6240
Costs : focused-jam included 170$ : 11 classes in a row 95$ : 6 classes 18$: 1 class 5$: Focused-jam only (advanced contactors)
There is no place in the classes on tatami on Saturday Biography of Catherine Lessard
FREE : one hour class of Alignment Technique for contact improvisation dancing. 5 classes only : April 29, May 6, 13, 20 & 27 - 18h30-19H30 10 students per class. Sign up in advance. S.V.P. This class is however for tuesday night CI jam participants.
By accessing the deep structural level of our bodies, we can make clearer muscular and skeletal connections, increasing our ability to use and connect to the floor, allowing us to more efficiently share weight. We will work physically (…)
This year, we celebrate Contact Improvisation all around the world. It is your party!
Come and celebrate with us on Saturday June 7th, from 5 to 11pm.
There will be: a pot luck a video conference on the beginnings of CI performances a 20 minutes ‘’small dance’’ an open jam, with live music.
In Studio LeSpace
4532 Laval
From metro Mont-Royal, walk west 5 minutes, turn right on Laval, the studio is above residential apartments.
Cost : 8$ member (10$ non member)
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
Theme : The Space in Between
For this evening we are asking that performances are contained within the CI genre and accompanied by Improvised Live Music, Sound and/or Voice.
To present a performance, please contact: Valerie Sabbah or Nicoletta Dolce.
--------------------------------- Schedule : 8 pm - Doors open 8:15 to 9:15pm - performances An open jam follows until 11 p.m. Where : Studio Fleur d’Asphalte 6847 rue (…)
SHOW OF OPERA WITH JOHN GIFFEN FREE : Friday, March 7th at 8pm, and Sunday march 9th at 4 pm Theatre of the monument national, located at 1182, boulevard St. Laurent, (métro St. Laurent).
My friends and I, singing students at the conservatoire de musique de Montréal have worked throughout the whole school year to mount a great show of opera extracts of Mozart, these being: The Marriage of Figaro, Cosi fan tutte, and Don Giovanni, under the stage direction of Suzanne Lantagne. It is an (…)
with Eryn Dace Trudell APRIL 11 AND 12 2008 at Studio Lyne St-Roch 4416, boul. Saint-Laurent, # 103, angle Mt-Royal 6:30pm to 9pm on Friday + 3:30pm tp 6pm on Saturday
In this workshop we will use Skinner Releasing Technique to support and enhance
our Contact Improvisation. We will explore principles of multi-directional and multidimensional alignment, suppleness, suspension, economy and autonomy. Most
significantly, SRT imagery and music deepens the dance in the body. The dance (…)
March 10th to 28th of 2008 - 17h30 to 19h30 6847 Saint-Hubert (Metro Beaubien and Jean-Talon) (514) 529-6635 Information and registration : Cost: 20$/class, 80$/week, 210$/all 3 weeks
Various contact skills will be practised daily to develop a greater range of movement, create safety and build confidence. We will examine the role of perception, sensation,
expression and imagination in the Contact work. Our goal is to find a sense of timelessness in our dancing. (…)
DANCE PERFORMANCE WITH NINA GALEA AND ISAAC SAVOIE A dance event with the group Dansaario and Symbiose with choreography by Nina, and performance by Nina with Isaac at Jean Eudes College, 3535 Rosement blvd., Montreal February 23, 2008 at 8:00pm, tickets sold at Studio Bizz and by Nina at the Sunday Jam Check the attached document for further information
Performances and Jam Evening
Saturday March 1 th, at 8 p.m.
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
It is strongly suggested that the basic form of any presentation stays contained within the genre of contact improvisation. To present a performance, please contact Elison Zasko. Schedule : 8 pm - Doors open 8:15 to 9:15pm - performances An open jam follows until 11 p.m. Where : Espace Transparence 7250, rue Clark North of rue Jean-Talon Metro (…)
Performances and Jam Evening
Saturday January 12th, at 8 p.m.
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
Theme : SPHERES.
It is strongly suggested that the basic form of any presentation stays contained within the genre of contact improvisation. To present a performance, please contact Elison Zasko. Schedule : 8 pm - Doors open 8:15 to 9:15pm - performances An open jam follows until 11 p.m. Where : Espace Transparence 7250, rue Clark North of rue Jean-Talon Metro (…)