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  • Past Activities 2007

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    This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
    at least until 2003

    More infos : communication@contactimpro.org
    Kirstie Simson

  • Class and Focused-Jam of contact-improvisation dance with Catherine Lessard

    All levels Every wednesday night, 7:30 to 10 pm September 19th to december 19th 2007
    Each week, 1 1/2 workshop to learn and deepen that art of physical conversation and its different components, followed by an hour of intensive practice with a specific focus or theme. - Biography of Catherine Lessard
    Cost : sessions 14 classes 190 $ - 2 paiements (7 classes) 110$ - class X class 18 $ Focused-jam no class 7 $ (arrive at 8:45pm, advanced contactors only) Sessions take (…)

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    The class on Friday November 16 with Nancy Stark Smith is full. The
    waiting list is also full.
    Please don’t send requests for registration, as unfortunately we can
    accept no more applications.
    If you are registered in the class, you will have received
    confirmation from Catherine Lessard. We cannot exceed the proscriebed
    number of particpants.
    Friday November 16 6:30 pm to 10 pm
    Location: Community Centre Cote-des-neiges, 5347 ch de la Cotes-des-neiges. Beside cote des neiges (…)

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  • Contact-Improvisation workshop with Mark ‘Moti’ Zemelman

    October 19-20 Friday: 7-9pm Saturday: 1-6pm
    Perceiving the Unknown:
    Transformation on the Boundaries of Contact Improvisation
    Exploring the edges of perception we’ll compose and improvise dances using the healing side of our vulnerability and limitations. The moments that we become most aware of an edge are what some chaos theorists call the “tipping point”. These avalanches of awareness can lead to changing our conditioned responses both physically and emotionally. Whatever limits (…)

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    Pie festival is for dancers and non dancers who want to deepen their research and their personal practice. You will have the opportunity to spend four days within a unique kinesthetic.
    Come meet our Montreal community of teachers who specialize their practice in contact improvisation and it’s relative forms of movement consciousness. Cost : 4 days - 350 $ include : workshop, jams, food, accomodation
    Accomodation: At l’Auberge du lac carré in the Laurentians, north of Montreal 2 (…)

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  • Biography of PIE’s teachers

    ERYN DACE TRUDELL Eryn has been dancing and choreographing for 16 years. With a BFA from Juilliard and traditional training in Graham, Limon and Ballet, her dance practice has developed in the domain of Improvisation and Contact Improvisation. Eryn has been practicing Skinner Releasing Technique® for over a decade and is a Certified Teacher. She has a vast and celebrated repertoire of original choreography and has had the pleasure of working with many choreographers.
    For information : (…)

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  • Sunday Jams in Quebec City

    Organised by Valérie Lajoie improvisation contact jam For information, phone to 418-621-8545 or email Valérie Lajoie.
    Organised by Marie-Diane Lalande École de Danse intuitive in Québec For more information, call 418-809-5090 or email Marie.

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  • Classified - June 2007

    WEEK END OF DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE AND CHANTING WITH HELGA SCHLEEH Saturday and Sunday June 16+17th in Eden, Vermont, 300 acres of wilderness For information, please call 514 484-9314 Creating your entire universe in clay and meditative reflection. The Four Paths, based on Matthew Fox and Jung: Positiva- the original blessing; Negativa- the acknowledgement of pain of death; Creativa- the awakening of immense creative power; Transformativa- the birth of compassion. Using Dances of (…)

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  • Mark ‘Moti’ Zemelman in Montreal

    Mark ‘Moti’ Zemelman, an innovative dancer and musician, visited Montreal’s contact improvisation dance community. Mark treated us to some remarkable musical improvisations during the evening performance, and also at the Sunday Jam. Here is a photo of Mark taken during the evening jam/performance oganized by Pie de Montreal on April 21st 2007.

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  • International Dance Day at Place des Arts

    This photo was taken on the esplanade at Place des Arts, on International Dance Day, in the afternoon of April 29, 2007. This activity was part of the yearly cultural event, ’Pas de danse, pas de vie’
    Photo taken by Joel Muzard.

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  • Learn and practice the UNDERSCORE from Nancy Stark-Smith

    Would you like to improve your state of awareness during a jam? Do you
    want to discover a rich movement vocabulary to describe the stages you
    pass through in your CI practice?
    The UnderScore is an unconscious score that supports all jams
    and/or contact improv sessions. It’s both the culmination of Nancy
    Stark-Smith’s 35 years of experience in the form, and a teaching of
    Contact Improv.
    1. INITIATION : May 5ft at Circuit Est, Studio B, 1881 St-André st, corner Ontario, Berri (…)

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  • Contact improv dance show with Elison Zasko and Ricardo Olivares

    Contact improv dance show evokes childhood’s magic and mystery. Galleries d’art contemporain du belgo 372 Ste. Catherine W., Studio 306 (3rd fl oor, next to Studio 303) Tickets $9 - Duration: 30 minutes Performances: June 7 - 8PM, June 8 - 8PM, June 9 - 5PM, June 10 - 5PM, June 13 - 8PM, June 14 - 8PM, June 15 - 8PM, June 16 - 5PM
    June 13 - 2 for 1
    In dance company ne zovi’s, improvised yet polished creation, talented young partners Elison Zasko and Ricardo Olivares’fluid, (…)

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  • Classified May 2007

    CELEBRATION OF SONG AND DANCE WITH THE TAMARACK CHOIR INCLUDING MARILYN BRONSTEIN Saturday May 26 at 8 p.m., at Mutandance, 7250 Clark, 2nd floor (close to Metro Castelnau):Tickets: 5$ for the show or $12 for
    the show followed by a “Barefoot Boogie”, (Information 514-596-2957) Presentation of “Sowing the Seeds”, a repertoire of world
    music and use of voice and sound as healing instruments.
    Their shows incorporate audience chants and dances and
    become an opportunity for sharing in (…)

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  • FREE Contact-Improv jam and class !

    To mark the ’’International Day of Dance’’, the contact jam of the ACI will be free on next Sunday.
    Studio 303, 372 rue Ste-Catherine west 3rd floor, 11:30am to 2pm.
    Invite your friends!
    The class preceding the jam will also be free! Please enjoy!
    Same studio, 10:30 to 11:30am (given by Eryn D. Trudell)

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  • Jam-Performance Event

    Saturday April 21st 2007 At 8pm precisely At Circuit Est, 1881 rue St-André, #100 (studio A), Berri-Uqam subway station Entrance: 10$ Invited artist : Mark ‘Moti’ Zemelman from USA (music and dance)
    You are invited to witness the evolution of works by PIE and others. Following the performance, please join us in a jam with music by Mark Zemelman.
    If you’d like to contribute a 5 minute performance, please contact us. Only three places are available.
    For more informaction, contact: (« (…)

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  • Classified - MARCH 2007

    The Catherine L Combo in concert - Saturday March 31, 2007 at 21h - at cafe double dose, 3425 rue St-Denis (514 845-3847).
    At Studio 303, from April 23 to May 4 (2 weeks) • mon - fri 9:30am to 12:30pm, cost $145 (VIP) / 160$ (reg)
    see : http://www.studio303.ca/classes_pro…

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  • Thursday Night Contact Improv classes

    Danse Contact Improvisation, par John Barrett

    This class will be open to intermediate level and also beginners showing a motivation to improve their practice of contact-improvisation.
    We will explore the fundamentals of this ‘’art-sport’’ in terms of a physical conversation: falling, flying, momentum, support, flow, breathing, listening, non-judgment, risks taking!
    The group will be constituted and closed for the session so that evolve together and go as deep as we can.
    Class in English and French
    When: Starting 8th of February, (…)

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  • White Jam in Estrie

    *Sorry, no translation available now*
    Les contacteurs de l’Estrie vous invitent à participer à leur premier événement annuel de danse contact improvisation.
    « Venez jouer avec nous… respirer l’air de l’Estrie et vous ébattre dans la nature hivernale. »
    QUAND : Samedi le 24 février 2007 de 10 h à minuit. En journée -> Contact improvisation En soirée -> Performances et danse libre.
    COÛT : Pour la journée et la soirée 35$ Dîner et collation inclus Soirée seulement : entrée 10$
    LIEU (…)

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Montreal (Quebec) Canada



Dynamic? Energetic? The Association can’t progress without a solid group of volunteers. The committees need YOU!

What’s contact danse?

An invitation to let go in a haven of peace. Dancing, experience the laws of gravity, momentum and balance, that is the contact improvisation.

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