Past Activities 2006

This is a section that can make you travel back in time,
at least until 2003
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
More infos :
Kirstie Simson
27 Nov-1 Dec • Mon-Fri, 9:30am to 12:30pm
With Judit Keri.
Friday Dec. 1, 2006 at 7 p.m., Studio 303.
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
November 4th and 5th. A jam with more than a thousand dancers from all levels.
IMPROVISATION PERFORMANCES AT STUDIO 303 With Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood and Ray Chung
When : Friday, November 3th at 7pm and 9 pm
Location : Studio 303 372 St Catherine W. Montreal, 3rd floor Métro Place-des-Arts (sortie Bleury sud) / bus 15, 80, 129
Cost: Tickets: 12$ or 10$ VIP or group of 12 and more
Places limited. Please reserve at (514)-393-3771
Integrating Movement Methods
When : Saturday October 28th and Sunday October 29th, 2006.
Schedule : 12pm to 4pm
Where : Studio 303 372 rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, 3rd Floor, Montreal (Quebec) Place-des-Arts Metro (exit Bleury South) / buses 15, 80 and 129 ADVANCED/INTERMEDIATE LEVEL.
When :Monday October 30th to Thursday November 2th, 2006.
Schedule : Monday : 8pm to 9.45pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday : 7pm to 9.45pm
Where : Circuit-Est Choregraphic Center (…)
Let the magic of the broom to inspire our danses…
make the clean-up before halloween…dance the magic…
be overjoyed by our imagination…to call the creativity…
inspired…carry the broom….
Location : Studio 303 372, St-Catherine West, 3rd floor, Montreal (Quebec) Metro Place-des-Arts (exit Bleury sud) / busses 15, 80 and 129
Cost : 4 $
This Sunday is the Pumkin Jam . Bring a little Pumkin, some Yellow clothes, make the spirit of the Pumkin influence your improvisation and Creativity.
See you on Sunday at the Jam
ps: for information see
Location : Studio 303 372, St-Catherine West, 3rd floor, Montreal (Quebec) Metro Place-des-Arts (exit Bleury sud) / busses 15, 80 and 129
Cost : 4 $
Person in charge : Paul Guérard
Friday Sept. 29, 2006 at 7 p.m., Studio 303.
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
From January 28, 2006 with Yves Léger & Nicole Roy.
Beginner / intermediate level.
From May 3 to June 21, 2006, from 8 to 10 p.m.
A tradition in Montreal.
From January 28, 2006 with Yves Léger & Nicole Roy.
Beginner / intermediate level.
Friday May 19, 2006 at 7 p.m. at Susan Miller Studio.
Contact improv dance sketches followed by an open jam.
From February 24 to May 5, 2006 on Friday nights (except April 14)
April 1-2, 2006
Studio 303 : 372 Ste. Catherine Ouest, Montreal
Saturday, 10am - 5pm & Sunday, 2:30 - 6pm
Cost: $75 ($65 for VIP members) (Canadian Dollars) Saturday Only - $50 (VIP $45) Sunday Only - $30 (VIP $25)
Language of instruction: English
DAY 1: Tuning UP: Contact Improv & Musicality
This workshop bridges the worlds of movement and sound. Using Contact Improvisation as a base, we will explore calibrating our dances to live and recorded music as well as sounds (…)
Beautiful furnished 6 1/2 room apartment with 2
balconies right next to the parc Lafontaine to sublet
from mid March to September 1st 2006. The $675 rental
fee is a bargain and includes telephone, cable and
hydro costs.
Please contact Andrew Harwood immediately at 523-4360
or email him:
Friday Feb. 10, 2006 at 7 p.m., STUDIO 303. Contact improv dance sketches interweaved with humoristic texts (in French). An open jam follows.